It’s perhaps one of the sadder ironies of our time that the astonishing affluence we enjoy in inessential luxuries should be accompanied by increasing poverty in the most basic necessity of all – the very food we eat.
The one thing in which our modern Western diet is not deficient, of course, ... Views: 782
Like the majority of sales people, I visit a huge number of clients and prospects every month, some end up buying some do not, but every single one of them has my business card. I attend business breakfasts, seminars and other networking event in my search for new contacts and ultimately new ... Views: 1006
In my work as a development specialist, I'm constantly surprised by the ability of individuals to surprise me. That, in itself, shouldn't surprise me! After all, I've been working with people and development for a number of years and I understand - with my head at least - that individuals are ... Views: 1124