Did you ever stop and wonder what life would be like if Wilbur and Orville Wright hadn't given us the airplane? What about Thomas Edison and the light bulb?
Helen Keller was deaf and blind before the age of two. Yet she accomplished great works that have benefited others tremendously and ... Views: 1173
Do you want the truth? Just how bad are carbohydrates?
After all every food advertisement you see today makes it sound like you should hunt down and destroy the pesky things. I mean every food is now given a net carb count.
Even beer commercials are going low carb. Geez, beer never had more ... Views: 1355
Have you ever wondered what drives those athletes and millionaires to get up and do the things they do to succeed, day in and day out? Do you wish you had their drive and energy and motivation? Ever wonder how that guy on TV who lost all that weight on Subway sandwiches really did it. Well, ... Views: 1543
1. Breathe
Oxygen is vital to life. Oxygenating the organs and tissue provides life giving energy and nutrients and removes toxins and wastes. Do this at least once per day: Inhale through your nose to the count of two or three; hold for a four or five count; exhale through your mouth at 4 ... Views: 2165