I must confess that I absolutely adore children. No lie. Ever since I was a child myself, I have enjoyed holding little babies, playing with toddlers, and interacting with elementary age kids. Heck, I even love spending large amounts of time with teenagers, which most people believe qualifies me ... Views: 1341
I’m sure that many of you who are reading this would LOVE to answer the question of what makes a man do what he does. I would dare say that this is a burning question in the hearts of many of those readers who might be, well...of another gender. Just as men often question why females act the way ... Views: 9029
One of the most difficult scriptures to apply in our lives is Jesus’ teaching on “turning the other cheek” when somebody attacks us or insults us. For many of us (including yours truly) our first reaction to an attack is to defend ourselves. In fact, when it comes to dealing with a perceived ... Views: 1432
Have you ever lost your balance? You know, you are walking along, singing the few words you actually know from the song you just heard on the radio when, suddenly, a clever square of sidewalk instantly raises its corner, catches your shoe, and hurtles you forward, out of control! You desperately ... Views: 4811
He seems so cute and funny most of the time. My four-year-old son has a sense of humor that can truly make his daddy laugh. His vocabulary is advanced, his smile can light up any room and there are times that having a conversation with him melts my heart…but there are days when I understand ... Views: 1534
Theyyyyyyy’re baaaaaaaack!
Yes, you thought you had done your part. You deceived yourself into thinking that you had already lived through those adolescent years with your son. You really believed that he had spread his wings and left the nest and that you had paid your debt to society. Yes! ... Views: 1133
As I look around at this crazy world we live in, a world where addictions are rampant, random violence is increasing, relationships are ending at alarming rates, and children are suffering, I cannot help but ask why. Why are men running into the arms of women other than their wives? Why are ... Views: 4611
I know...everybody seems to claim that toddlers who hit the age of two suddenly become a close replica to Satan himself. You know, they are demanding, they throw temper tantrums, they grab everything they see, and they seem to have fallen in love with saying the word, “NO!”. Although some of ... Views: 1396
I must confess that the closer I get in my relationship to the Lord, the further I feel from the organized church. (Gasp!) Okay...so I’m hoping that got your attention.
Despite my attempt at overstated hyperbole, the statement above is, essentially, true. I don’t like that it’s true. I am ... Views: 1131
The relationship between fathers and their sons is still primary to emotional health and the overall development of boys.
In this article, I want to caution all of us dads out there to make sure we don’t put the “cart ahead of the horse”. You know, make sure first things are first when dealing ... Views: 1236