You know that you should use some form of sunscreen every day, right? Even during those colder winter month, sunscreen is vital to your skin’s health. But, how do you choose from all of those SPFs on the market? Is one sunscreen better than another? How do you know which one to select? This ... Views: 4734
The trick to healthy glowing skin is clean pores. That’s why there are so many pore cleansing products on the market right now. What are pores? What do they do? How do you keep them clean? Do any of those pore cleaning products actually work?
Purifying Pores
Pores help our skin to breathe. ... Views: 2070
Most people don’t really enjoy sweating. In fact, sweat can be a large problem when it comes to working out, walking on a hot day, or meeting someone that makes your pulse race. Still, sweat is actually good for your skin...and it might even slow down the aging process.
Ahh! Sweat!
Sweat has ... Views: 15243
Antiaging! What if there were certain foods you could eat that would prevent aging. Would you do your best to consume these foods? What about foods that make you age faster? Would you avoid these foods? Taking care of your skin starts with decent skincare products; a great skincare routine; and ... Views: 1669
Most of us already know that sunlight and sunlamps are bad for our skin. Not only do these things cause the skin to age quickly, they also cause the skin to sag and wrinkle. What about sunless tanning? Is this method of darkening the skin safer than any other method?
What About Your ... Views: 1367
Women all across the world use makeup on a daily basis to try and look their best. Most medicine cabinets inside a female’s domain are filled to the brim with lots and lots of cosmetics. How many women use skincare products that are past their "best by" date? How much makeup does the average ... Views: 6428
Have you ever thought about the things that your skin absorbs? While it may seem as though your skin is tough, it’s actually quite delicate. How delicate? Your skin will take in a number of things during any regular day.
For example, your skin will absorb vitamins from the sun; chemicals; and ... Views: 10505
Potassium is a mineral that most of us don’t think about too often. Interestingly, it is also a mineral that can help the skin in many different ways. How much do you know about potassium and your skin?
Potassium helps muscles to keep their control over the body. Potassium also helps with the ... Views: 2582
Vitamin C can really help your skin to thrive? While most people assume that this vitamin is only important for fighting off colds, it can actually turn your skin into the definition of picture perfect skin care.
How can vitamin C help? Your body is not able to produce this vitamin on its own, ... Views: 1693
With all of the anti-aging creams, elixirs, and miracle scrubs on the market today, how do you select the right one for your skin?
The truth is that there are some great wrinkle creams out there. The problem is that there are also a lot of really bad ones. In fact, there are even some creams ... Views: 1391
We may not want to admit it, but winter is just around the corner. This means that your skin care regime must change in order to accommodate those harsh winds and dry days.
Stocking up on quality skin care products is a good idea, though these products alone won’t help you fight those winter ... Views: 938
Do you want to hear an interesting fact? Most people don’t know how to go through basic skin care steps. Below, you will find the best way to go through a basic skin care process that you can complete daily.
Let’s begin with some background information, shall we? The best way to care for your ... Views: 903
Mature skin requires special skin care products, great anti-aging items, and extra time spent caring for it. If you learn how to take care of mature skin, you will find that the outcome is glowing skin that looks ten years younger.
Did you know that skin begins to age after you turn 25? Scary ... Views: 938
Did you know that dry skin and aging are intertwined? Millions of Americans fight aging with all of their might every year, but most of them never consider the dry skin factor.
So, what is the dry skin factor? Well, as we age the oil production within our skin tends to decrease. As the oil ... Views: 992
Do you know how to care for your skin? Unfortunately, skin doesn’t come with an instruction booklet or care instructions. Thankfully, there are some natural skin care tips that can help keep your skin young and supple.
The skin care tips listed in this article may be slightly different from ... Views: 1033
Did you know that your skin is a living thing? As a living thing, your skin craves certain things to keep it healthy and vital. In order to avoid losing your skin’s natural collagen, make sure to feed it the right things...
So, what does skin crave? Aside from eight glasses of water per day, ... Views: 779
Did you know that some skin care products are actually classified as drugs not cosmetics? Some skin care ingredients can actually change the structure of skin, which may be more than you originally bargained for.
In order to protect your skin, it’s important that you pay attention to ingredient ... Views: 1068
You probably already know that skin must be moisturized daily in order to maintain a youthful appearance and a healthy glow. But, do you know what kind of skin care moisturizer is right for your skin?
First, let’s talk about what moisturizers do for your skin. A good quality moisturizer ... Views: 1037
Far too many people believe that an all natural product equates a product that won’t damage or harm skin in any way. This line of thinking is not only false, it is also potentially dangerous.
To begin our all natural discussion, let’s first talk about aging and anti-aging products that contain ... Views: 958
What would you do if you knew that it was possible to prevent your skin from aging? Would you want to find out how to keep your skin young and healthy?
The secret about aging skin is that there isn’t really any secret at all. Confused? You see, skin can be difficult to manage, but it can also ... Views: 843
A lot of skin care products out there claim to be “all natural,” but what does that really mean? The truth is that many of these products are anything but’s how you can find out if your favourite product is a hoax.
Natural products must contain natural ingredients...this makes ... Views: 954
There has been a lot of talk about collagen lately, though most people aren’t quite sure what it actually is. Collagen is an important part of the skin that can make a big difference when it comes to aging.
So, what is collagen, exactly? Well, simply put, collagen is a type of protein. This ... Views: 3044
There are more than 50,000 different cosmetics on the market today. Most of these products simply pick up on the latest consumer fad, even though the product doesn’t actually work. For example, take a look around the cosmetics section of your local pharmacy…how many "eco-safe" products can you ... Views: 1078
Drink eight glasses of water per day! How many times have you heard this statement? Is there any truth to assumption that water can cure all kinds of diseases? Can water actually make your skin healthier and stronger? Water cures may seem like a mystery, but in this case the facts really speak ... Views: 838
Since the dawn of time, humans have been looking for a way to keep their skin healthy and youthful. Thanks to recent technology, Natural Collagen products have been discovered. The amazing thing about this technology is that it has actually been around for many decades.
Sometimes, it just ... Views: 1036
With over ten thousand different dietary supplements on the market, how do you know which one to choose? All of these products promise a slim, trim, body that is free of fat, but not all of them actually fulfill that promise. Instead, most of them fall flat when it comes to trimming away that ... Views: 971
The Dead Sea has been praised for its positive skin care effects since the time of Nefertiti. The minerals that are found within the Dead Sea are can be found in numerous skin care products, but some of these products are mixed with harsh chemicals that have a negative impact upon skin.
The ... Views: 967
Skin care has always been an important part of the beauty regimen for women, and some men throughout history. The secret formula or tonic (ancient skin care products) for smooth and fare skin was as much sought after many times as riches and glory. Ancient peoples did not need dermatologists, ... Views: 874
Oh how the years slip away. Sometimes it does not seem like so long ago that you were still a twinkle in your mother’s eye. Then the glorious day finally arrived that was, in fact your arrival. Like most babies, you probably had the chubby cheeks going full force and too closely resembled ... Views: 1002
As reported by the FDA, the botulinum toxin, a primary ingredient in in Botox injections, has killed at least 16 people when the toxin spread to other parts of their bodies.
The deaths are cited in a petition by the group Public Citizen to have a "black box" warning about this risk placed on ... Views: 1161
Cosmetic surgeons have used collagen extensively to heal patients' burns but collagen products may be also used in a wide variety of dental applications as well as bone reconstruction, surgical and orthopaedic tasks. Household cosmetics using Collagen are only now coming into widespread use for ... Views: 909