In Family Constellations work we often refer to the ‘Orders of Love’ a term originating with its founder, Bert Hellinger. What do we mean by the ‘Orders of Love’?
In an ideal world when a child comes into the world the child is taken into merging love by one or both parents, or by its care ... Views: 1242
Shamanic Ritual and Family Constellations: The Ancestors Speak
Shamanism is the oldest spiritual tradition known to humanity and for thousands of years Shamans on each and every inhabited continent have developed an effective and profound system of healing through journeying, soul retrieval, ... Views: 2157
Ancestral Cords
You may be tempted to believe that there is very little connection between Family Constellation work and energy healing work -after all, they don't look the same, feel the same, or behave the same. Family Constellations, through engaging in the 'field', is as much energy ... Views: 1584
From the depths of our deepest wounds emerge our greatest gifts. Similarly, contained within the fate we were given, emerges a destiny when we choose to work with the fate. However, destiny cannot emerge until our fate is submitted to. That means standing back and looking at everything that was ... Views: 1303
The Orders of Love describe a natural hierarchy that has been observed through the practice of Family Constellations. What we have observed, is that there is a distinct order that states who belongs, and who doesn’t belong not only to a family system, but also to groups and nations. On working ... Views: 2729
When it comes to healing on any level, the most important quality or virtue is courage. In order not to re-live our personal, family, national or ethnic history we must have the courage to face our past, or indeed to examine what we are creating in the present.
Without courage, all other ... Views: 1439
As we approach the topic of both family and personal healing, many internal voices may want to have their say, some of them helpful, other voices not so helpful.
For example one voice may be saying ‘it cannot continue like this, something has to change’ another voice may be saying ‘all I want ... Views: 1945
Why is it that we often struggle with forgiveness? When do we know that we have in fact forgiven and what are the pitfalls?
One of the main issues with forgiveness is it is often attempted from the stance of the good forgiving the bad, the better forgiving the worse or the superior forgiving ... Views: 2933
Our dear friend Bob electrocutes himself whilst blow drying his hair in the bathroom one evening and suddenly finds himself in heaven. He is somewhat bewildered, his last memory catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror with frizzy hair as he fell with a thud to the ground. Anyway, his ... Views: 1126