Is it possible to read facial expressions to tell when someone isn't being truthful?
We find it much more difficult to control our facial expressions than our choice of words.
In fact, researchers have proven conclusively that their are certain muscles in our face that are very difficult to ... Views: 7073
Unless you are one of the very few fortunate individuals that are
dialed in to others that are flirting with them, you are in the same
boat as 90% of the rest of us that are for the most part,
oblivious to it.
Most of those that do exceedingly well however have made a
conscious effort to ... Views: 12985
When we are asked to define what "attractive" means, the
majority of us respond with a long list of desirable
physical attributes that are usually paralleled to movie
star looks and body types.
The same is true when we are asked the question " What
would you like to change about yourself ... Views: 2724
We all know how important it is to have goals? But what isit that separates success and failure when endeavoring toachieve your goals? If I’m to point to one specific thingthat can surely sabotage your goal success it’s ambiguity.It’s a lack of being specific. It’s that vague paledefinition that ... Views: 969
Want to increase your creativity by 15%… Take your shoes off....
Imagine for a moment , top executives with a major fortune 500 company huddled around a board room table brainstorming new ideas for products and services. Now picture them with their shoes off and wearing ... Views: 2549