Who Are You? by Lori Payne, LPC-S
As I reflect on this year, I am reminded of how very fleeting life is here on earth. None of us likes to think about death and therefore we are many times ill-prepared when we are forced to deal with our own mortality. Can you think of losses you have faced ... Views: 1208
Cyberbullying: Teen Social Life in the 21st Century
If you are the parent of a teen or have a teen in your life, then you are surely familiar with Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, and countless other social networking sites where teens congregate. These sites have become a ... Views: 2467
When you hear the word “Spring” what images come to your mind? Budding trees? Birds singing? Beautiful flowers? Sunshine and rain? Many things probably come to mind but there is one unmistakable image that is associated with Spring – new life. Many people engage in “spring cleaning” during this ... Views: 1234
Is thr a gnr8shn gap bt rents n teens?
If you can read the above title, then most likely, you speak teen. Today’s teens are some of the most technologically savvy teens ever. Most teens engage in texting, IMing, chatting, or some other form of electronic communication. That’s in addition to ... Views: 1388
“I don’t know my family anymore.” A teenager recently shared that sentiment with me and I wonder if there are other teens (and their families) who are going through this experience. How does your teenager come to feel alienated from the family? Now we have all heard that adolescence is a ... Views: 1222
If Only My Teen Came with a Universal Remote By Lori Payne, LPC-S
Being a teen in the millennium means being constantly connected. If you want to cause a teenager to have a near-panic attack, just try taking away his cell phone. Then there’s the computer for Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, chat ... Views: 1383