What prevents us from being our authentic self is the act of not honoring our real feelings. We all have the habit of doing many things with our feelings, including; covering them up, dismissing them, minimizing them, denying them, withholding..We spend a lot of energy dishonoring our true ... Views: 828
In this world, we are either disconnected or connected as we relate to ourselves and others. When we are disconnected, we are separate from our true nature, our joy, feelings of love and trust. When we are connected, we are expressing who we really are without fear or judgment.
Take for ... Views: 800
Many years ago, I learned some of the principles of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming) – a psychology of how we understand and perceive information. One principle involves the use of sensory modalities which includes visual, auditory and kinesthetic. All of us learn and filter information with ... Views: 862
Two of the things we simply cannot escape from in life are change and stress, as they are an inevitable part of life. With change, we can often feel overwhelmed, anxious and unbalanced. Under stress we have a tendency to focus on the worst case scenario in the situation, which can jolt us into a ... Views: 1052