It is natural for someone who has musical talent to aspire to become a musician. And it is not out of place for someone who is brilliant to say, “My ambition is to become a medical doctor”. It is generally acknowledged that our area of interest and what we aspire to become are determined by the ... Views: 1864
The Human Being is a Creative Worker:
God carries on creative work through human beings. Human beings serve as instrument of transformation of thoughts and ideas from the spiritual state to the physical state. Our mind which is an aspect of the brain mechanism is a creative device which enables ... Views: 1124
Natural laws exist that serve to maintain order in the universe. These laws are usually manifested as regularity in nature (as in the seasons) or as a relationship between cause and effect. In the physical realm natural laws exist which govern the behaviour of matter. Examples of such laws are ... Views: 1092
The human being is endowed with ability. We have the capacity to do things. However, our ability is inherently limited. The human being is not almighty and so cannot accomplish all things. Because human capability is finite we find that a person cannot by his own powers alone ensure the success ... Views: 1214
Human experience of life indicates that the universe consists of two realms – the realm of the natural world and the supernatural realm.
We are able to identify with and relate to the natural world because we are part of it and are in physical contact with it. Now that scientific ... Views: 1290
The existence of God can be proved in two ways – by practical demonstration and by deduction. These two methods are employed because they are acceptable to science. In science, fact can be established by practical demonstration and knowledge can be arrived at by deduction.
Let us begin ... Views: 1281
Time and again the question has been asked, “If really the world was created by a good and omnipotent God who watches over His creation, why are we visited so often by natural disasters and personal tragedies?” On some occasions, tens of thousands are killed and whole communities ... Views: 1145
Observation shows that human creative activity has a physical, a social and a spiritual aspect. (By human creative activity I mean useful and constructive activity by human beings). The physical aspect of our creative activity concerns our activity in relation to the physical universe. The ... Views: 1139
Spiritual wealth is wealth that derives from knowledge. To gain spiritual wealth entails acquiring spiritual knowledge. Facts and information about the spiritual aspect of life are what constitute spiritual knowledge. Such facts and information include: facts about our spiritual nature and the ... Views: 1943
When we lack certain things, the joy of living is diminished. In some instances we may become severely distressed and even incapacitated by such lack. When we are sick, in other words, when we lack good health, it is not a happy situation and we do all we can to regain our health. When someone ... Views: 1978