One of the things that most people do not know about eating is that if you combine the wrong combination of foods, it can have negative effects on your health, especially when it comes to your digestion. There are rules and formulas that you can follow to give you better digestion, but many ... Views: 696
Today, Zumba is fast becoming one of the more popular fun methods to lose weight and stay fit. There are millions of people who have already tried this because of its many benefits and its unique approach to losing weight. Many people have had success with this program as they have lost weight ... Views: 649
Antioxidants have been proven to be a key ingredient in helping people to improve their lifestyle and live a more healthy life . Several of them are known to be anti-cancerous and they may also help to prevent other types of diseases. They also play an important part in helping your body to get ... Views: 640
The majority of people in the world want to and try to make a descent effort to stay in shape. There are very few of them who purposely choose to become overweight and out of breath. Most of them have the desire to stay healthy, but the main problem for them is finding the time and ways to stay ... Views: 692
Are you one of those individuals who see yourself as a person who is always irritated ? If your mind has been full of depression and frustration for an extended period of time, these emotions can often lead to mental illness that can make your condition worse. You may also be displaying several ... Views: 1595
It is a known fact that sometime during our lifetime, we will all experience some sort of back pain. According to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, back pain was discovered to be the second most regular neurological condition that affects people in the United ... Views: 1061
Are you one of those individuals who find it difficult to wake up in the morning and do you always feel like you are tired and exhausted ? Do you often get irritated at others? Are you always craving something sweet and do you like to go on junk food binges ? Do you have problems getting a good ... Views: 658
The topic of kidney stones is one that I can readily identify with as I have suffered from this condition for over 10 years. The pain that is experienced during an attack is excruciating and can get to the point where it is unbearable . Drinking water may help, but it does not help you to endure ... Views: 599
There are many people who suffer from bad breath and they are not even aware of it. This can prevent them from having a healthy social life and finding a suitable mate and it can even be a stumbling block when it comes to their careers. The single most important step in having fresh breath is to ... Views: 613
A lot of people are very health conscious these days . They like to keep track of things such as what they eat, what they wear, how much they exercise and they try to shy away from carbonated drinks and colas . God forbid if someday they drink a glass of cola which can contain up to 200 calories ... Views: 629
Healthy living is one of the most common words used when it comes to overall fitness, but one of the least understood. It is often heard everywhere, but many people do not know what it really means. There are many factors that affect the overall well-being of an individual like age or heredity, ... Views: 727
There is no doubt that soda is by far one of the most popular and favorite beverages that is on the market today. It is a drink that is enjoyed by people of all ages and classes. The one thing that most people do not understand about drinking soda is that it can play a part in developing several ... Views: 636
Nowadays, it seems like the cold and flu season lasts all year around . With the outbreak of the Swine Flu last year, it tends to make us more aware of our immune system and what we can do to strengthen it and keep it in top shape . Unfortunately, we cannot live in a plastic bubble, so we cannot ... Views: 621
If you are one of those individuals who suffer from high cholesterol, one of the best and first ways that you can control your cholesterol levels it is through your diet. The problem is that many people are confused about which foods that they should stay away from and which foods are better for ... Views: 637
Unfortunately for people who suffer from asthma, there is currently no way to cure it or get rid of it. If you have heard that there is a way to do this, it simply is not true. There are also many misconceptions associated with asthma such as the belief that children will outgrow this condition ... Views: 556
Ovarian cancer is a topic that is very dear to my heart as I have just recently lost my wonderful 80 year old mother to this terrible disease. She fought it for over 2 years, but lost her battle in the end. The best chances for successful treatment and survival of this type of cancer is early ... Views: 639
Most people are fortunate enough to be blessed with a good memory. In spite of this we, there are times when we forget things such as our house or business keys, peoples names, and other essential items that we need . It is perfectly normal to occasionally forget something, but when it starts ... Views: 933
Recent surveys have determined that Americans are now the top consumers of processed meats such as hot dogs, bologna, sausage , ham, etc. that they have made part of their daily diets. This is not good news by any means as it is a proven fact that consumption of these meats can lead to ailments ... Views: 524
As parents, we all wonder at times what is the best way to motivate our children. We should not always be praising them all of the time and it is not a good idea to punish them at all during the times when we are trying to get them more motivated . This would actually be counter-protective to ... Views: 658
Most of us are aware of the fact that a meal from a can or a microwave is not as healthy and nutritious as a fresh homemade one, but have you ever wondered why this is true? The plain truth is that there are many reasons for this including a lot of unhealthy ingredients that are used in the ... Views: 526
As parents, we are always concerned about the health and wellbeing of our children. We can always protect them when they are around us, but what about when they are away from us? With all the viruses that are present today such as the Swine Flu, it has become a real worry for parents to send ... Views: 533
Finally the big day has come for you and you are able to hold that little bundle of joy that you have been carrying around for the last nine months. The first question that a majority of new mothers ask themselves is,” When will I be able to fit back into my favorite pair of jeans?’‘ It is very ... Views: 487
One of the best ways that you can start your day of right and enjoy it to fullest is to improve your mood in the morning. This can be done by not jumping right out of bed the minute that you wake up. Take time to take a few deep breathes and this can help make you feel good about the morning. ... Views: 632
One of the questions that we often ask ourselves is,” How can I get a better nights rest?” It is hard for us to understand that even though we are dead tired and exhausted, we cannot seem to get a good nights sleep. A large majority of people are workaholics who work their 9 to 5 jobs everyday ... Views: 884
As parents, we are always concerned about the welfare of our children and when something bad happens to them such as getting ill or injured, we wish that we could change places with them. Having a child that is ill is one of a parent’s worst nightmares especially if it is a chronic disease that ... Views: 1139
Overeating has become a major problem in our country and around the world and it can lead to major health problems and have a deadly impact on people’s lives. There are plenty of individuals who openly confess that they have lost control over their eating habits. Foods work as a distraction for ... Views: 628
If you are one of those people who have been drinking alcohol for a long time, then it is high time to quit drinking and better your life. Binge drinking can lead to serious consequences in your life such as losing control over what you say and do.
There are many alcoholics who have trouble ... Views: 825
Prostrate cancer is a type of cancer that effects the Prostrate gland in the male reproductive system. It is the second most common type of cancer found in men as skin cancer is number one. Each year, there are over 186,000 men across our country who are diagnosed with this disease. The symptoms ... Views: 1281
There are many parents these days including myself who are overly concerned about what their kids are eating and that is justified as proper nutrition is one of the keys to living a long and healthy life. The one thing that we do not often think about is how our kids overall health is affected ... Views: 586
When you meet new people, what are the first two things that you notice about them? The answer is their smile and teeth. Healthy teeth can tell you a lot about one’s personality. When you choose not to take care of your teeth, you pay the price with rotten teeth and bad breath and this can have ... Views: 571
Did you know that not getting enough sleep not only has negative results on your body, but it also effects your skin in many ways.
Our bodies need sleep and this is essential for good health. When we sleep, this gives our bodies time to restore energy and rebuild body tissue and cells ... Views: 787
It seems that all of us at some point in our lives have experienced times when all that we can think about is getting relief from our pain. No matter what is behind the cause of the pain, we want it to go away as soon as possible and most importantly stay away. Even though pain is an essential ... Views: 882
It is that time of the year again when you have to worry about catching a cold , but there are several different ways that you can keep yourself from coming down with one and also passing it on to other people.
First of all, make sure to keep your hands away from your nose and eye as cold ... Views: 575
Aspirin has been used for a long time to relieve pain from everything from a fever to arthritis. We have always been told by researches that it is a great ally in the fight against heart disease. If you are a man, taking an aspirin a day can help lower the risk of you having an initial heart ... Views: 693
One of the most difficult things for an individual to do is to quit smoking. These days, there are more and more products being offered to accomplish just that, but in spite of this, it is still easy for people to relapse and take up their smoking habits once again. Some people believe that ... Views: 722
Arthritis is a common word that we use when we refer to inflamed joints in the body. There are many forms of arthritis and unfortunately there is no cure for a lot of these, but some can be brought under control. So why do some people develop arthritis? Some forms of joint pain and arthritis are ... Views: 734
As a parent, one of our main priorities should be to make sure that our kids are developing healthy eating habits. It used to be that there were not a lot of overweight kids, but unfortunately that has changed and now we see overweight kids wherever we go. The main reason behind this is that ... Views: 594
One of the most important things that we have in life is our health and we should do everything that is humanly possible to keep our bodies in good working condition. This will allow us to live longer lives and avoid the many lifestyle related illnesses that commonly occur. A body cleanse detox ... Views: 648
Life can be difficult for some overweight teens these days. I can testify to this as I have gone through this with one of my own sons. He was a freshman in school and he weighed over 200 pounds. He encountered numerous problems riding the bus because other kids would make fun of him and make ... Views: 643
Have you ever wondered why most people fail when it comes to losing weight? There can be many excuses for not losing weight such as lacking the ambition to lose any, saying that you are addicted to food, or not being able to exercise properly because you do not know how to. Although these ... Views: 731
Do you know that breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women? It is a type of cancer that originates in the cells of the breast. It ranks second and is the most common type of cancer found in women after lung cancer. The odds of a woman contacting breast cancer are twice that of ... Views: 673
There is no such thing as being too old to get started on a healthy lifestyle. Even if you choose to make some small changes in your lifestyle, it can add more time to your life and it may reverse some of the damage that your body suffered during your unhealthy years. You need to make a decision ... Views: 626
If you learn to incorporate healthy habits in your life, it is very possible to increase your lifespan by as much as 11 years. Just think about it, that is a lot of extra time to be on this earth and this is something that is within reach by following a few simple habits.
The first thing ... Views: 579
Are you one of the many American families that love to eat out at your favorite restaurants? If so, then you probably think that this lifestyle is not good for a healthy diet and most of the time this assumption is right, but you can still dine out occasionally and still be able to maintain a ... Views: 623
One of the hardest things about exercising is trying to find the motivation to get started and trying to stay on track with your exercise program. You are the only one who can find this motivation and you have to make up your mind that you are going to do this and put aside all of the stumbling ... Views: 754
There are many sure things that we can count on in our lives and unfortunately one of them is the reality that we will eventually age and get older, no matter what we do to prevent it. As we get older, we start to notice things such as sore achy joints, thinner muscles and flabby skin. Our hair ... Views: 673
Type 2 diabetes is a condition that develops in the body over a period of time. This condition is sometimes referred to as the non-insulin dependent diabetes. The cause of it is that your body becomes resistant to the effects of the insulin that it is producing and this increases your blood ... Views: 589
Depression has evolved into a widespread problem in today’s society and it affects one out of every four women and one out of every eight men. There are some people who are familiar and aware of the many signs and symptoms of depression. These include being irritable, loss of memory and not ... Views: 681
Stress is a fact of life that we all have to deal with at some point in our lives. We have good times and bad times in our daily lives which cause unavoidable stress and if we do not know how to deal with that stress, it can evolve into an illness. There are steps that we can take to get rid of ... Views: 635