Each time you praise your child for positive behaviour at home 3 important things happen:
1. Praise draws your child’s attention to that behaviour as a valued skill/achievement showing that this is something you consider worthwhile e.g. “well done for reading your book on your own” sends a ... Views: 1529
It makes a big difference to wellbeing when you learn to think optimistically. When bad things happen it is natural to be upset. What you feel is automatic but you can learn to control what you think about the situation and what you do next. When you think and act positively it helps get you ... Views: 1176
What Children Need to be Happy, Confident and Successful is being identified by the research evidence emerging from Positive Psychology. This research focuses on giving children the tools they need to manage their lives successfully.
I believe that when you prepare children for adult life ... Views: 1233
I have been working with a group of early years professionals in my role as a Child and Educational Psychologist, they are a campaign group who are working together to raise the awareness of good early years practice. Over the past few months we have been debating and researching best practice ... Views: 1521
Motivated people do get better results there’s no doubt about that. Motivation probably counts for more than ability because persistence, effort and problem solving are key skills to overcome challenge and stay focused on your goals. So where does motivation come from and can you help children ... Views: 1489
We recently had World Mental Health Day, a great reminder of the importance of supporting all those who are affected by depression, anxiety, stress and other mental health issues. It set me thinking about the need to talk about wellbeing and wondering why it is still a faintly awkward thing to ... Views: 2057
Children love to play and become totally absorbed in games they choose for themselves. Everyone agrees that play is important for young children but once children reach school age it can become crowded out by a busy timetable of structured activities and homework. But play is not just a time ... Views: 1497
The Importance of Play
By Jeni Hooper,
Child Psychologist and Parent Coach
Children need at least an hour a day of unstructured, independent play where they make it up as they go along. This is the conclusion of recent studies looking at the importance of play.
The importance of ... Views: 1380
Successful Learning in Seven Simple Steps
By Jeni Hooper Chartered Psychologist
All parents want their children to have happy, successful lives. Once you have chosen a good school, what else can you do? Here are seven steps to successful learning you can use to help your child to do their ... Views: 1406
Modern life is fast and highly stimulating, we are bombarded by information and are tempted by endless opportunities which create increasingly high expectations of what we should do and achieve. Many adults thrive on this adrenaline-high lifestyle. But have you noticed how many children are far ... Views: 1368
Every parent wants the best for their child. How we lead and guide our children throughout their childhood is a blend of instinct, experience and planning.
We often struggle to describe how we do what we do. However, as a parent you are likely to have a signature style that guides your ... Views: 1438
Wanting to be popular and accepted by others is a need that goes deep; it may be hard wired as part of our evolutionary survival strategy. We automatically seek out a safe space and a social group where we feel relaxed and accepted. Children are more vulnerable than adults and their need for ... Views: 2297
Despite the common myths about friendship, children don't need to have lots of friends to feel secure and content. What most children want are one or two close friends and a wider circle of occasional playmates.
So what do children learn from their friendships and how does this help them to ... Views: 2451
• Has your life has taken an unexpected turn because of separation or divorce?
• Are you unsure what to expect from the future?
• Are you feeling drained?
• Are your children irritable or having mood swings?
• Is communication in the family not as good as it used to be?
• Do you want to ... Views: 1387
Have you a one year old at home? Do you wonder if your older children can understand the little one’s needs? Here are some ideas of what it might be like to be that age again so you can enter a one year olds world and see it through their eyes.
Now that I am one year old I can do so much ... Views: 1780
All parents want their children to be popular. We want them to be confident and relaxed in company and to be able to deal with a whole variety of people. We can’t always be there with them to show them how to do it. Even when they are quite young and playing with friends, there will be times ... Views: 1589