How do you deal with technologies that are supposed to save you time and money, but often don’t?
Technology is a double-edged sword when it comes to making life simpler and saving time. While it may do both of these things, there is a dark side. As working women, we feel compelled to fill ... Views: 915
Why do you procrastinate? The answers aren’t necessarily obvious. Gain some insight on this annoying problem, and get things done faster!
“I’ve done it again. It’s 24 hours before my deadline and I’m finally starting to write.”
You know what I’m talking about because you’ve done it ... Views: 1103
What can a baby teach us about getting us ready to be organized? Read this article to find out.
It’s disheartening to realize that the majority of working women I talk to about the organization in their life (or lack thereof) feel that there is no way out. They simply feel doomed to a life of ... Views: 986
How do you eliminate your guilt, stress and fear about getting rid of clutter? Get rid of the mental clutter first, then tackle the physical clutter.
From a very young age, many children are taught that they should not waste, that they should use and keep everything. This really instills a ... Views: 1075
If your life is full or clutter, or you’re disorganized now, and you want a fast way to “get organized,” there’s another way! Learn a three-step process that will leave you “being organized,” and learn how my “E.A.S.Y.” method provides a fast way to deal with your stuff.
What do you do when ... Views: 1097