"The doors of wisdom are never shut." Little did Benjamin Franklin know, when he uttered those words some 250 years ago, how prophetic they would be. Today, wisdom is indeed available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Franklin’s open door is the Internet, the Information ... Views: 7957
“Mentors, mediators, monitors, motivators and mobilizers,” that’s what the late Maggie Kuhn (of Gray Panthers fame) envisioned as the role of those who no longer hold full-time paying jobs. It’s a tall order. But thanks to millions of older adults already offering their time and expertise, and ... Views: 1412
For 78 million Baby Boomers keenly interested in a more active and healthy retirement, lifelong learning through meaningful community service can be an essential part of their everyday life. “Lifelong learning, combined with such service, engages all your senses,” says Nancy Merz Nordstrom, ... Views: 1541
Baby Boomers are seeking a new level of enrichment in their leisure travel activities. This is born out by the U.S. Department of Commerce which says that educational travel is growing and older adults are leading the charge. “Educational travel programs are one sure way to guarantee a higher ... Views: 1749
Since 1975 when Elderhostel, Inc., offered its’ first programs, the educational travel industry has grown by leaps and bounds. Today, the field is booming, and many organizations, both for profit and not-for-profit, offer similar programs for all ages. Elderhostel, however, remains the largest ... Views: 1733
Scientific research from the 1990s now reveals that more than ever before, a challenged, stimulated brain may well be the key to a vibrant later life. As 78 million Baby Boomers prepare to redefine their own retirement, news that staying active and keeping their brains constantly engaged may ... Views: 64027
Imagine the excitement of exploring the historical and cultural treasures of the Tuscan countryside, the thrill of taking part in a lively discussion about the life and works of Vincent Van Gogh, or the satisfaction that comes from helping a reluctant student discover the value of education. ... Views: 2302
A greatly admired older friend of mine once said that a balanced life, after leaving full-time work, should be composed of one-third work, one-third play, and one-third giving back.
For those of us in our “After-50 Years,” the opportunity to make that balanced life a reality comes once we bid ... Views: 1899