Tired of being a face in the crowd? Done with the "You’re-a-wall-flower" treatment?
Before you consciously make efforts to get noticed, the first thing you need to do is figure out who should be noticing you.
Who REALLY matters? Who do you want (or need) to impress?
Knowing this ... Views: 924
The best learned lessons come not from your success, but from your failures. Actually, the biggest failure is not learning from your mistakes.
Mistakes come and go. But certain mistakes remain constant simply because you are circulating the same habits that perpetuate the same mistakes. Then ... Views: 927
Time is defined as the duration of sequential related matters. Huh?
Women wear many hats: wife, mother, executive, business owner, entrepreneur, friend, and the list continues. Unfortunately, many women think of time as not being late, watching the clock or feeling stressed for not having ... Views: 886
The definition of capitalism is a socio-economic system in which private ownership leads to profit for the owner. At least that’s what the dictionary says. But what does it really mean – for women?
Sure, we have Hillary, Oprah and Angelina who make it look as though we are entering the age ... Views: 958
Asking for what you want is the necessary first step in getting what you want. That’s the way it works! If you don’t ask, you don’t get – simple.
Simple. Really?
If it was so simple, then why are less than 15% of C-level positions in corporate America occupied by women, although they ... Views: 1837
Women have choices on how they approach change. Often they pretend it isn’t happening, particularly when the change is unknown. What are the faces of change? Instability, lack of control, discomfort, loss of rights, inconvenience and, yes, that age-old monster, fear, just to name a ... Views: 969
Opportunities are like buses, there’s one coming by every 10 minutes. The problem is you can’t get on every bus, and there is no magical formula for knowing which bus is the right one. So, you make the best guess, step out and grab on only to realize that a different bus would have gotten you ... Views: 1046
Business women are often misunderstood – mainly due to the unique traits they possess as women. These qualities that make them successful can be misread or misinterpreted. Nonetheless, today’s business woman is strong, focused and determined.
Being a successful female entrepreneur requires ... Views: 916
Women in business have business relationships with clients, colleagues, partners, employees, and vendors. Relationships are an essential part of their work, and in order to keep their businesses on an even keel, it is important to know when and how to manage the blurry line between personal and ... Views: 1244
Many women are finding themselves in the rut of old patterns of behavior that are causing barriers to their business success. These bad habits are hurting their bottom line, their business relationships and giving them a false sense of security.
Women have so many wonderful characteristics. ... Views: 1051
Working smarter, not harder is as old as the day is long. Mastering this concept will make your work life easier and more fulfilling. But if it’s so easy why are so few doing it? People buy into success as being long hours, tedious tasks and always putting out fires. Visualizing what smarter ... Views: 1035
Today's successful women entrepreneurs are sharp, savvy and highly skilled. Some have solo-enterprises, while others run multi-national organizations. All have one thing in common - an entrepreneurial spirit that just won't stop.
More and more women are entering the world of business. In ... Views: 1440
Every woman wants to simplify her business or work life. Make things easier or smoother. While at the same time trying to not neglect someone or something … taking care to provide for her customer’s or employee’s needs while not abandoning her own.
Simplicity clarifies what is important ... Views: 1290
From Dale Carnegie to Robert Cialdini and Kevin Hogan, much information written on influence emerges from men. Even though the ideas and opinions they offer are valuable, women are yearning to know what influence tactics, negotiations, and language resonate for them.
We are thirsty to ... Views: 1348
What business do negative people have in your life? Why are they there in the first place? Because you let them hang around. Could it be you hang around them?
What happens when you are surrounded by even just one negative Nellie? Your whole day, attitude, perspective, and direction ... Views: 1649
When I work with women on how to influence their future I start with this exercise. Make a list of 3 things in your past that are causing an “I deserve more” barrier for you. These are the messages of that voice in your head saying, “You can’t do this. Or have this. Or be this.” Let your ... Views: 1056
My last post commended Peter Block for his firm stand about the need for the feminine in the workplace. The world is expanding its view on women; how we think, how we work, who we are, and the great value we contribute to this earth.
However, there are still so many of us that aren’t clear ... Views: 1229
So, now that you have the strategies for turning intentions into reality . . . how do you implement them? How do you go from good intent to actual steps? Take these 7 steps and you will get there. Truly.
1) Launch your intentions now. When you finish reading this article, take the first ... Views: 1862
There are 6 myths that I will bust (no pun intended!) about women and influence. And here they are:
1. The White Knight Myth. This is the idea that women are only influential because of their husband, family, or others outside of themselves. Men and some women believe that this is the ... Views: 1400
Is your wardrobe is holding you back? Have you taken the time to develop a personal style – one that reflects you?
Keller’s Rules to Dress By:
1. Express your individuality. Remember, you are your brand. By being true to yourself you will be authentic. If you are warm, open, ... Views: 2669
What does it mean for a woman to find her voice? Voice is not only speaking. It’s listening, responding, and being heard. It is purpose, identity, imagination, and beauty.
Your voice was created the moment you were conceived. Sometimes it has been shut down – flattened. Nurture it. ... Views: 1155
What do Steve Jobs, Angelina Jolie, Bill Gates, Tom Cruise and Kate Gosselin have in common? They are famous control freaks!
Let me introduce her not-so-long-distant cousin of the female manipulator, the control freak.
How are the control freak and the manipulator related? The control ... Views: 2268
Coco Chanel not only created the fashionable and immortal suit and “little black dress” but she made women believe that they can live their own lives, they can be independent and wear clothes according to their own preferences. So powerful was Coco Chanel’s influence that today, a bottle of ... Views: 2038
Here’s what is important for women in the workplace – build your brand – YOU. Use everything you know about branding to build YOUR personal brand. Make it strong.
What qualities do you possess to bring your feminine to the workplace or to your business?
Don’t underplay what you've done. ... Views: 1097
There's a lot of talk nowadays on the ability to receive guidance from our intuition, our inner voice and some even call it our inner psychic. So how is one to discern what these all mean and which one would be best for their business?
My personal conviction is that you were born and equipped ... Views: 958
My mom used to buy a new dress, hang it in the closet for 3 weeks. Wear it. And when dad asked, "Is that a new dress?" she replied, "No, I've had it for awhile" winking at me. Of course, this was the extent of my mother's manipulation of dad. She really didn't need his permission to purchase ... Views: 2284
To truly influence and maximize the power within your grasp, you need to become "one with it." Huh? Let me tell you a story.
A few years ago, I took an off ramp, circling around to a huge overpass when I hit black ice. Now, most of you reading who live where there's snow understand what ... Views: 1119
Part 3 of 3 part series: Living Creative Results
Part 1 of this series helped get you started – discovering that you do have a creative side and how to access it. Part 2 focused on dealing with the gremlins. You know - the self-limiting beliefs that invade your mind.
Now, it’s time to ... Views: 1127
Part 1 of a 3 part series: Finding Your Creativity
Spring is here. It’s time to clean out the cobwebs in your brain. Open your mind to all ideas you ignore, argue with or push to the backburner for later. Well, later is here.
Women have the capacity to take the unknown and give it a ... Views: 1125
Part 2 of a 3 part series: Conquering Creativity Challenges
In my last article I revealed the 4 secrets to finding your creativity – the first stage of three in actualizing your creative process. Creative thought is the essence of every woman.
Every woman has the capacity or dare I say ... Views: 1058
Influence Expert, Dr. Karen Keller, addresses concerns for women who want to excel in social or professional situations.
According to Keller, “One of the most common things women tell me is how hard it is to get noticed . . . for the right reasons. Not for your feminine ‘assets’, but for who ... Views: 989
Supporting another woman? Are you kidding? I can't support someone who could take my job, steal my thunder, or finish my story behind my back?
This is the message we hear especially in the work place. We live in a time where women are desperate for each other's wisdom and guidance. And ... Views: 1025
Create the life you want
You don’t need to rely on others to get your needs met. Responsibility for happiness is yours. Your self-esteem is found deep inside. You surround yourself with positive energy.
You surround yourself with empowering and supportive friends. You require a ... Views: 1084
Being a control freak does have its place. I mean there are situations and circumstances where someone has to take charge and be the authority. So here are some jobs suit the control freak. Here's the top ten countdown:
10. Architect (Frank Lloyd Wright)
9. Accountant (corporate ... Views: 1091
Women are connection. They connect with their friends, their children, and their spouse. Women connect others. We are the bridges that build relationships and foster communication. Basically, women are the directors of the future.
Women are wonderful sources of inspiration and support ... Views: 1091
What does your map for success look like? I want everyone reading this to cut out words and pictures of all the things you want to be, to do, and to have; paste them on a big piece of flip chart paper and stick it to a wall that you will see every day. I made my ‘Success Map’ 6 months ago. ... Views: 1235
At the International Coach Federation Conference in Orlando, Florida, keynote speaker and best selling author Peter Block said, “Community is the structure of belonging.” Then he followed it with, “We need the feminine in the workplace.”
What? I did a double take. I (and every woman reading ... Views: 1411
What is the single thing that prevents a woman from using her influence?
Being a control freak? Being manipulative? Or being a bitch?
No. That’s not it.
It’s the fear of being seen as a control freak. The Fear of being seen as manipulative. OR The fear of being seen as a ... Views: 1130
In my post on 2-25-10 I shared the hidden role fear plays in our willingness to influence and persuade. When women accept that fear is in our imagination - we can deal with it. This was the first way to stamp out the fear we subconsciously carry with us.
But there’s another way to conquer ... Views: 1067
It’s important to be aware of your comfort or discomfort with persuasion.
Find out how fear plays a role in your influencing or persuasive behavior.
Here’s a quick self-exam. Yes, ladies, just as we do an external exam it is equally important to do an internal exam. Read these ... Views: 1028
Throughout history, the mother and daughter relationship has been a give and take or a push and shove relationship – depending on where you’re standing. Sometimes these relationships are terribly strained ending up in a stand off when the daughter is in her forties or fifties.
“I love my ... Views: 965
No doubt, mothers and daughters have a unique connection. It starts out nurturing and playful, travels through ignorance and stubbornness, and winds down to respect and admiration. How can that journey become a more joyful experience when we are both grown? Follow these 6 (simple?) rules for ... Views: 2423
When did you last search for your voice? Was it MIA (missing in action)?
Having a voice is your birthright. This voice lives in your mind, your heart and your soul. It leads you to self discovery. Using your voice is the surest way to build connections, find solutions and live in truth. ... Views: 1361
So what can you do when you notice you are the object of another woman's manipulation? You can escape female manipulation tricks without giving in by following these 6 pieces of advice (Counterattacks to the above behaviors).
1. Buttering You Up:
All women would like to believe another ... Views: 5668
Reese Witherspoon, Julie Roberts, Anne Bancroft, Jennifer Jones and now Sandra Bullock. Each of these women won the Oscar for Best Actress. But what do they really have in common? They brought to the big screen the real-life, not–so-everyday women who are among us doing remarkable things. ... Views: 953
The good news is you can stop yourself from being a control freak. I have worked with women who sincerely want to lessen their anxiety and attachment to control. Here are 7 things you can do to overcome being a control freak:
1. Keep your cool. Distance yourself from the situation you ... Views: 1091
Everyone does well when they can follow a recipe! So, I developed these 6 ingredients that are necessary to move through the fear. It’s simple but powerful. Follow these 6 steps:
1. Notice your feelings. Don’t analyze, criticize, judge, evaluate, or understand . . . just notice it. ... Views: 864
Are you a woman who has it all? Are you doing what you love and getting recognized for it?
Do you have a super career, outstanding personal relationships, and feel healthy and confident?
If you do, congratulations! If you don’t, no need to worry because there is a way to influence ... Views: 889
All women have intentions. Action begins with intention. But not all intentions lead to action. How can you change that? Is it necessary that you do? What intentions should not lead to action?
How many times have you said, “I am going to get more organized” or “I need to finish this ... Views: 1000
Negativity is contagious. If you disagree then I have some property to sell you in the middle of the Arctic Circle!
Seriously, what people think of themselves, their circumstances, or you can affect what you think about yourself, your circumstances, or your thoughts of others. It's a law ... Views: 925