What are the lies we believe?
They are usually hidden and because they are hidden, they are unseen enemies that flourish unchecked.
They come from early experiences we have had and have been formed as a way to protect us from hurt. And they lie just under the radar of our awareness. So they ... Views: 2393
What are the lies we believe?
They are usually hidden and because they are hidden, they are unseen enemies that flourish unchecked.
They come from early experiences we have had and have been formed as a way to protect us from hurt. And they lie just under the radar of our awareness. So they ... Views: 2393
"You are here to find your true place in life, and to give of your talents to the world. You are here to expand and unfold in a wonderful way, according to your God-given potential, and to bring forth spiritual, mental and material riches that will bless humanity in many ways. Learn how to ... Views: 969