How will improving my self-image improve my life? Why do I need to resolve my “mother and father” issues? What does my relationship with my boss have to do with my marriage? What does my back pain have to do with my bank account? On the face of it, perceiving psychological connections between ... Views: 1395
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How to Discover and Live your Life’s Purpose and Heart’s Desire - by Alfred Heath, MA, LPC, CCH, CNLP, Certified TAT® Professional & Trainer, Certified BSFF™ Practitioner & Authorized BSFF Trainer, Certified Quantum Entrainment® Practitioner and Facilitator
The terms “life’s purpose” and “heart’s desire” are loaded ones to many people: most think of a singular calling and an overriding passion, the stuff of dreams, and to the pragmatists, pipedreams. For some, life seems not worth living without the hope of fulfilment through a career or an ... Views: 2089
The main goal of this practice is to strengthen one’s ability to simply be present in the moment; deeply aware of both self and surroundings. I developed this meditation method as a way to practice without the distraction or expectation of altered states, which I was prone to having happen with ... Views: 5318
An introduction for therapists, counselors, paraprofessionals, clergy, 12-step sponsors, or anyone in a helping role.
In a keynote address, Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind, made the statement that the common ground in the disciplines of medicine, ... Views: 3437