For businesses who attend trade shows to gain leads for media and sales, I’ve outlined some tips that I recently discussed in an interview for “Investors Business Daily”. [And yes, in our internet age trade shows are still very viable marketing activities for many companies to ... Views: 1178
“Absolutely, Positively, Overnight, Guaranteed”
“Reach out and touch someone”
“VISA: It's everywhere you want to be”
All memorable promotional slogans, right? But how did these tiny phrases work for these BIG companies, to help position and promote their ... Views: 1167
A great company profile can engage and attract the right customers or supporters for a business, or it can bore them to sleep driving them to your competitors which are easily googled in seconds.
For media attention, a business needs an intriguing profile to entice editors or reporters to gain ... Views: 1833
Marketing as we know it is over. Done. Finito.
People the world over are bored and spammed to the brink of tears. But there is good news: There’s a better way to connect with precisely those you wish to reach … and it works far better than traditional, expensive, gimmick-driven ... Views: 1399
“Marketing as a Spiritual Practice”
“Marketing as a spiritual practice.” It sounds contradictory – how can sales and promotion possibly be considered spiritual? But the secret is, once you truly understand that marketing isn’t all about struggle, jargon, ... Views: 1031
"Why You Need a Great Marketing Coach"
How can business owners earn their highest possible income, while maximizing their valuable time?
Here’s the secret no business professional can afford to overlook: a Marketing Coach will keep you on track.
Just exactly what does a Marketing Coach ... Views: 839