Imagine that you have this friend. Your best friend. A friend who has been through everything with you in life, all of your ups and downs.
Now at times you think this friend is great! Who would you be without this friend? There is just one little thing though about this friend that drives you ... Views: 985
"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players". For some reason I have always liked that saying. It just seems to roll easily off the tongue. I can't even tell you how many times I have heard other people quote it as well.
In the past I understood that quote to mean ... Views: 969
Do you currently have a goal that you would like to attain, but are unsure of what the next step should be in attaining it? Or maybe you think you know what you "should" do but your find doubts or fears of failure are standing in your way? Maybe neither of the above apply but you find that no ... Views: 865
This is another exercise first introduced by Abraham Hicks that I have found to be extremely helpful in creating more money in my life.
Quite often many of us say that we want more money. But because the idea of "really having" a lot of money is so foreign to us - we find it very hard to create ... Views: 4903
The following is an exercise that I have learned from Abraham-Hicks. They refer to is as the Placemat Exercise. However, because I do my tasks list on my computer or in a notebook I started mentally calling it the Universe Task List and the name stuck with me.
In case you have never heard of ... Views: 1109
The Law of Attraction is the Law of the Universe that states that what you think about and focus on is what you bring into your life to experience.
While most people understand the concept of thinking positively of things they want to create down the line such as a great relationship, more ... Views: 1598
I guess it was about 10 years ago when I had hit one of the greatest "funks" in my lifetime.
It was right after Thanksgiving. My husband had been let go from his job because of an untrue rumor someone had spread about him, and we lost a major Christmas bonus we had been counting on. My online ... Views: 2035
The basis of the Law of Attraction is that you attract things and circumstances that are operating at the same vibrational level that your thoughts are.
The higher that you keep your mental vibration, the better things you can bring to yourself that are also at that higher vibrational level. ... Views: 1567
I guess it was about 10 years ago when I had hit one of the greatest "funks" in my lifetime.
It was right after Thanksgiving. My husband had been let go from his job because of an untrue rumor someone had spread about him, and we lost a major Christmas bonus we had been counting on. My online ... Views: 1026