Healthy eating is a cumulative experience
Do you really believe that piece of cake, that piece of bread, that bowl of ice cream or that bag of nuts will not make you fat? Eating healthy is a cumulative experience. So if overeating, overindulging and developing poor eating habits. What have ... Views: 1364
As a member of The National Writers Union for many years, I have been aware of the problems experienced by educated, professional writers. Many have been deprived of their contracted fees. Others have had their writing plagiarized or syndicated without their consent and without payment to the ... Views: 1742
Ever since I began seeing my private therapy and coaching clients, over two decades ago, I have been longing to work with a Virtual Assistant. In fact, I wanted this type of personal assistance to help me cope with my family, my relationships, my career path, and even my health many years ... Views: 1285
Are you enjoying the present moment, right now or is your mind clouded by memories from the past and hopes for your future? The only way to live freely, unencumbered, in a state of passionate curiosity and creative potential is to continually bring yourself fully into the present moment.
My ... Views: 2837
Valentine's Day of the Day of Love is a global holiday. Not always celebrated on the same day or in the same way, most countries and regions around the world enjoy their own version of love customs. Sometimes the love is for children - giving gifts to children as we do at Christmas in the ... Views: 1879
* Do you think money is the solution? If only my partner and I had enough money....
* Do you think career is the solution? If only my partner and I had better careers, positions, jobs, ... Views: 2108
What do YOU believe are the 3 causes of all relationship problems?
* Inadequate Money?
* Not enough or too much Sex?
* Friends interfering?
* Family triangles and intrusions?
* Poor communication?
* Emotional Imbalance?
Relationships are more complex than many of us care to ... Views: 2634
Reawakening love IS possible. It happens all the time. Just when you most feel like giving up, letting go and moving on, stop and reevaluate before leaving. Yes, there are some relationships that have truly run their course. Perhaps the reason for connecting no longer exists and both would ... Views: 1574
Have you ever heard of the four agreements? This set of very simple concepts can literally transform your life; profound, yet extremely difficult to practice on a daily basis. “You need a very strong will in order to adopt the four Agreements – but if you can begin to live your life with these ... Views: 2422
“When in doubt, be grateful.” A quick jolt to the nervous system to be reminded to be grateful, even and especially when life seems to be saying “suffer,” “you lose,” “give up,” “stop trying,” and most of all, “you have no more love to give.”
The question is: Where are you putting your ... Views: 1961
Have you been living a safe and secure, but unexciting life? Are you ready to leave the nest? Have you been settling into a life of less than satisfying comfort and less than optimal emotional, relational, financial and spiritual success?
What is a nest? The online Thesaurus offers these ... Views: 5446
Healing is sometimes seen as miraculous. People in different cultures throughout the world and throughout the centuries have been "cured" of diseases deemed incurable by the medical authorities of the particular time or location. Healing can sometimes appear to occur by magic.
Dr. Steve ... Views: 1805
Eat this healthy food. Avoid eating this food. You will gain weight if you eat this. There is too much fat, sugar, salt, or empty calories in this food. We have all heard so many warnings against eating so many foods that many of us have lost the pure joy of eating food that makes us feel ... Views: 3386
What food should we be eating to maintain and improve our health? What food should we avoid eating? Many of us continue to read and hear conflicting reports and confusing information about food. An interesting article provided by Prevention appeared as an aol health report.
The following ... Views: 2380
People are reporting some surprising healing effects from taking a few drops of a special extract, twice a day. How can such a small amount of effort lead to big changes in the body? The secret lies in the chemical components found in Chaga.
What is Chaga?
The chaga mushroom has been ... Views: 7638
Being diagnosed with a serious, life threatening illness is devastating news for anyone. Sometimes the prognosis seems hopeless but with just the right treatment, a brand new diet regimen, a positive attitude that won't quit, and a little bit of luck, we are not defeated by the illness or ... Views: 1765
It was love at first sight. Joe Stravisky, a very tall (over 7 feet), regal and sexy man, was wearing "black, ornamented, dazzling boots" that caught Heart Wishbringer by surprise. This porcelain-skinned beauty with white hair or black hair depending on her mood, was thunderstruck and instantly ... Views: 1683