This is my four year old grand daughter Mekenah, and her mother, my daughter Shauna. It looks like they have huge eyes, doesn’t it? The reality is that those huge eyes are just painted on. Their real eyes are closed.
This picture symbolizes the way that so many of us live our lives. We ... Views: 1385
A potential new client sent me an email the other day. One of the things she
said really struck me. She said that before she'd heard about me she was just
"killing time til she died."
I guess the reason it hit me so hard is that is exactly what my mother did. My
mother was a bitter, ... Views: 2376
In previous blogs, we’ve briefly mentioned how unrelieved stress hurts your body and your emotions. My purpose in writing these is not to go into great detail but just to make you aware of the many ways that stress does negatively affect us. Some topics we will revisit in much greater ... Views: 1843
Another way that unrelieved stress can hurt your productivity is that it can increase your chances of having an accident.
The more physically or emotionally exhausted a person is, the less attention they pay to their surroundings. This inattention and preoccupation makes them far more likely ... Views: 1450
On December 18th, I had the privilege of attending the birth of my sixth grandchild and helping to care for him for the first few days of his life.
I think there are few things more soul-filling than to have a new baby sleep on your shoulder; to lightly touch his velvety skin with your cheek ... Views: 1359
Have you ever been in a situation you could do Absolutely Nothing about? I have – multiple times.
Any one with adult children experiences that total feeling of helplessness and frustration when you see your adult children making harmful choices and there is not a thing you can do about ... Views: 1732
What is “Emotional Mud” and how do we get it?
As a baby, we were happy, confident, courageous, positive and loving. But something happened. Most of us lost that. Today, less than 1 in 5 women feel good about themselves!
We were all raised by imperfect people who were trying to deal ... Views: 1130
Do You Remember What a Push Me-Pull You Is?
In the movie, Dr. Doolittle, a man who could talk to the animals, was sent a very unique animal, called a Push Me – Pull You. It had two heads and two
sets of front legs. When one half wanted to move forward, the other half would have to ... Views: 10436
We had a family gathering last week that one of my sons refused to attend. One of his brothers had said and done something to him a couple of months earlier that was very hurtful and he refused to come to any activity if his brother was going to be there.
What his brother did and said was ... Views: 1243
A few years ago, I attended a network marketing event for Neways in Atlanta, Georgia. It was an international event, with people from all over the world attending. For the opening night, a special program was planned with entertainment provided by each country. A few months before the event, ... Views: 1358
As I was walking along a forest path a couple of days ago, I saw an amazing thing. It was snowing – in July! White puffy flakes were falling from the sky, while the sun was shining!
On the ground, was a layer of white. Of course, it was cottonwood seed time and instead of snow flakes, ... Views: 1807
The Winter Olympics took place in Vancouver, BC this year. Athletes from all over the world have come to compete for the coveted “Gold” medallion; showing that they are the best in the world at their sport.
Having the Olympics in my own back yard (I live in Mission, just one hour east of ... Views: 988
Do you want to know what causes stress or why you have the life stress that you’re experiencing?
This simple formula might be helpful:
You start with an Event, which is neutral; it is neither good nor bad. You then filter it through your Mental Perception ... Views: 1517
What causes stress? Most people searching for stress relief don't know what is causing their stress. Whenever I ask people what causes stress in their life, they will usually say "this person" or "that experience". Both answers are wrong.
Those things are just external events. It is how the ... Views: 931