The best of self-help quotations dealing with stress, anger, worry, fear. Positive tips on living healthfully, confidently, happily, peacefully.
Good ideas for life in just a few words from Grampa's personal collection of popular sayings, selected from tens of thousands, tuned to his needs ... Views: 2608
The wasteful production and consumption of oversized houses, cars, meals, services... have created oversized headaches for society and the world.
The big roomy house requiring comfortable transportation to and from the suburbs is a prime example of things gone wrong in our social ... Views: 1268
Don't give up that blog edit it into an article site.
For the article writer who has chosen the blog platform for writing about a passionate topic some adjustments to standard posting procedures could be very useful. This is particularly so for the blogger who prefers to write more ... Views: 1157
At one time television in the living room was a place for the family to get together to watch a family program, and the choices were quite limited. Since then it has 'progressed' in such a way that huge amounts of programming are now directed at different segments of the family. As a result most ... Views: 1307
Society Stretched!
Are commerce and consumption and the related social stresses reaching a limit?
Much of the populace is in worry mode these days about finances and their families, and what lies ahead for our lifestyles and the world in general. These are both confusing and stressful ... Views: 1258
Many past experiences understandably have a great influence on our lives and how we are feeling right now. Sometimes that feeling is very low or painful. The good news is that in recalling past events we can select the feel good stories and feel good. It may take some practice but with a bit of ... Views: 2025
The lifestyles of families and particularly children, are undergoing big changes in this grand technological era. While much of it is of great advantage, interesting and fun, exercise and activities in the fresh outdoor air is declining and often non-existent for some.
As a kid I couldn't ... Views: 1400
Another year passes by and I'm wondering; what the heck are we doing with society, this planet and the people on it? If this is the era of plenty and so much for so many, why are millions living in poverty or starving? As we gobble up natural resources and dump massive amounts of waste into our ... Views: 1094
The credit market business is a great big fat, heavily marketed mean money making machine.
Borrowing is a necessary part of living for most today where it provides assistance in purchasing the necessities to live a comfortable life. In most recent decades the credit and other industries have ... Views: 1352
We now see and hear ads in print publications, TV commercials and infomercials, spam and junk mail, telephone marketing, product labels, massively scattered in sport venues, and increasingly into what should be our valuable public spaces.
Corporate marketing is so very invasive as at every ... Views: 5257
Originally used as basic transportation for home and business the automobile has become much more since the days of the Model T Ford. Today it supports a major industry as well as a wonderful convenience and better standard of living for so many. But the negative aspects of this great invention ... Views: 1237
When you shop beware! Important buyer information may be lurking!
"Accepts no responsibility... Terms are for one year after which...
Use of this product is entirely... "Warranty does not include...
Valid only with the activation of... Company reserves the right..."
Often camouflaged ... Views: 1147
Your new home purchase is such a big investment and the process requires careful scrutiny. Before signing that contract, and before signing off your acceptance of this expensive product, do your homework.
Using a qualified building inspector is recommended for home purchases and should be ... Views: 1171
Civilization along with our natural world have serious problems.
Planet and social deterioration have accelerated in recent times, fueled by expanding commerce and over consumption. Driven by commerce's need for increased earnings, expansion marches on, sputtering from time to time. The ... Views: 1255
It's Sunday morning and a good week lies ahead.
One sure thing about this week is that after Saturday night it will be gone forever. But I will be glad I was here.
For starters I will very quickly review last week. Just once, to determine what I should have done, what I should not have ... Views: 1194
The high intensity and shrewdness of marketing is influencing our society and family life in the wrong way. It is shaping our lives by starting on us at a very early age and continually persuading us to want something new. We need to stop and consider what is important in making our lives ... Views: 1251
More and more corporations are using unethical tactics to increase profit. Many are using marketing trickery on a regular basis, and often along with their competitors. The deceptive marketing includes misleading ads, false labelling, tricky wording, small print, hidden charges, planned ... Views: 1137
Life is thought, and when we cease to think, we are not living. How we think, is the kind of life we live. Since we are able to control our thoughts, we can determine the course of our life and the way we feel during our time here.
"We are what we think." - Buddha (BC)
It is very important ... Views: 1344