Life Coaching Zone - Do we get what we ask for?
Article by Carole Railton
Most of us are controlled by our unconscious - and the very fact it is our unconscious means that we don't realise this! It is tough changing things embedded in our unconscious mind, unless of course we begin to work ... Views: 1654
What a year! Are we trembling in our boots, do we feel fearful and uncertain about what the future holds.
Even the weather has been erratic. Heat waves in countries where they have never seen it before and rains and storms in other places of the world. In the UK sun one ... Views: 1546
Moving from ‘Overwhelm’ to Satisfaction
I found myself in overwhelm once, when I had a legal problem I knew nothing about, a friend coming to stay for a week, a deadline with a proposal for a company I had never worked for before, and a social event to attend that evening and had ... Views: 1616
Speed Dating
by Carole Railton
All I really want is a tall handsome man who is well paid or retired and living well, easy going and of course, emotionally intelligent, on top of his game, own house, hair, teeth, fit, agile, good at all things. A great sense of humour. Also, he needs to be ... Views: 1680
How or why would others appreciate you if you do not appreciate yourself?
Have you looked at yourself recently? Do you like what you see, are you proud of yourself, are your thoughts good, and is your mind steady? Do you appreciate yourself?
As human beings we often put ... Views: 2027