In keeping with my recent articles on anti-aging and skin care basics, I realized it was also important to talk about which vitamins, minerals and nutrients you can take for great skin. What's really terrific is when your skin is healthy, it's likely that the rest of you will be, too. In Part 1 ... Views: 1722
As the body ages, fat begins to find its way to places not so much of our choosing. If you've been battling problem fat areas on your hips, stomach or even back, the good news is that yes, it is possible to make those problem spots go away.
Here are three basic steps to saying goodbye to ... Views: 972
As the body ages, fat begins to find its way to places not so much of our choosing. If you've been battling problem fat areas on your hips, stomach or even back, the good news is that yes, it is possible to make those problem spots go away.
Here are three basic steps to saying goodbye to ... Views: 972
In the course of my work at the Center for Aesthetics, I often find that my clients who come in seeking advanced therapies for rejuvenating their skin can also benefit from advice on how to get back to the basics with anti-aging foods. What I tell them is that total skincare starts from the ... Views: 4266