Summer is almost over and school will be starting soon in most places around the United States. Due to the current changes in our economic structure here in the U.S., many of us have had to relocate due to company transfers or loss of a job.
Changes are very hard on children when they have to ... Views: 1195
Living in the world of “now” is a very good thing. The past is behind us and the future is yet to come. As women currently living in a very busy world, we seldom have time to consider our lives, say ten years from now. Granted we do consider the future in terms of our security and that of our ... Views: 1222
Many of us who feel tired and run down often think we are anemic, without knowing what anemia is and what causes it.
Anemia is a common condition. Here in the United States we have more than 3 million people suffering from one form of anemia or another. Anemia does not care what your age ... Views: 1227
Do you want to live longer? Do you want a longer, healthier and happier life? If you are like me, the answer is yes and the question is how?
In doing some on line research, I have come up with a few ideas to make our lives longer, healthier and with a little effort, happier. It is really up ... Views: 1174
Can having a pet make my children or me sick? The answer to that question is “yes” and “no.” There is always the possibility and there are also ways to prevent problems.
The best way to make certain, germs and/or bacteria is not passed around is to practice good hygiene. Cleanliness ... Views: 1519
In the course of a person’s life, at least once or twice, the thought of owning their own business has crossed their minds. The idea of independence and not relying on someone else to control the paycheck is the dream of many.
So what is keeping the vast majority from realizing that dream? ... Views: 1761
Most of my life I have been considered a “highly emotional person,” one of those strange ones that could be driven to tears by a commercial. It became a family joke to see what would make me cry when watching television.
My sensitivity became part of my personality and I accepted ... Views: 2524
Bet that thought has never really surfaced in your mind very much, if at all. In this world of vitamins and minerals, organic or not, we, as women usually think of iron as something we have do, reluctantly.
In years past, Geritol and iron poor blood was a “catch phrase” we used to tease our ... Views: 2819
In my day I have blamed many things for creating excess weight gain. Of course, it never was the extra dish of ice cream or that wonderful pepperoni and cheese pizza or even my lack of exercising. But, never did I ever think of blaming any medication I was on at the time.
And now, because of ... Views: 2101
In spite of all the health warnings, the teens of today are still getting hooked on smoking. They are aware of how bad it is for them and for some reason they do not care. Why? Because they think they can quit anytime they feel like it. Also teens feel invincible and time has little ... Views: 1540
Why train your dog? The answer to that question is simple, without training, you and your precious package of fluff will soon be just existing or parting company.
If you start to train your puppy at an early age to understand that there are rules to be followed, you will have, as an end ... Views: 948
Tutors – do they really help? This is a universal question that many parents may need to take under consideration at one time or another? In this busy world we live in, with so many outside activities, advanced classes and parents working long hours, helping your child understand their ... Views: 3152
June is here and for most coastal regions the thought of a hurricane begins to creep into our minds.
We become concerned about the safety of our homes, our pets and ourselves.
However, hurricanes are not the only disasters that can confront our well being and that of our pets. Floods, ... Views: 838
It is said you are what you eat, and as humans we know how true that is. Unfortunately many of our waistlines also show it. It is the same with our cats, they are what they eat or for that matter what they do not eat.
Cats by nature are carnivores, which means they are meat eaters and get ... Views: 1004
Oh, the wonderful time of menopause! Does it have to be hot, emotional and a somewhat crazy time of life for a middle-aged female? Being middle-aged is bad enough, suddenly all the joys of our youth have vanished. Wrinkles start to sprout on the once firm skin, parts begin to sag in unusual ... Views: 780
To be a healthy and happy person you have to take part in life, you have to be ready to participate in all things that make life worth living. Health is an important part of life, maintaining balance is another part of life and having vision and peace of mind completes the circle.
Many of us ... Views: 732
Have you ever thought about the power of a pet?
If you are a cat person, you are aware of the “power” your cat has over the household and you.
But, that is not what I am talking about.
The word pet can mean our animal friend and what they mean to us or pet can mean the gift you give your ... Views: 850
What They Are
Saying proteins are the worker molecules that make possible every activity in your body, is an understatement. Every function in a living cell depends on proteins. Proteins are polymers (clusters) of hundreds of thousands of combinations of 20 or so, smaller units called amino ... Views: 698