There are six basic aspects of any abdominal workout routine you must master to obtain the six pack abs you have been chasing. You can do crunches until you toss your dinner and not meet your goal of a beautiful set of six pack abs. You have to use a comprehensive approach that addresses ... Views: 1103
Does juicing really work? At one time that was a question uttered by yuppies and fringe groups considered "kooks" by the masses. Now mainstream America is sitting down to unwind with a glass of wheat grass, watermelon, and cranberry. For a few hundred dollars, and some patience, anyone can ... Views: 7369
Being a new mother is not an easy job. Besides being on call 24x7 for the baby, your self-image takes a beating as you look at yourself in the mirror- the svelte pre-pregnancy figure has disappeared and worse, its showing no signs of returning! Do not fret and do not be too hard on yourself. ... Views: 1492
Trans fat is a generic name for an unsaturated fat that contains transisomer fatty acid. A trans fat can be either monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. Most trans fats are industrially made. Unlike dietary fats, trans fats are neither essential to human health nor easily used by your body. ... Views: 990
Before understanding how omega 3’s help trim your waistline, you need to know the basics of omega 3 fats. Omega 3’s are essentially fatty acids that are available for intake from fish oils and other fatty sources. Aside from the popularly known fish, Omega 3 (Omega-3) fatty acids are also ... Views: 2318