Is success contrary to spiritual development?
I just had a radio show on this topic and the answer is: obviously not!
If you think about about it, what is success? Please listen carefully since I am giving you a definition that can break the barriers between amterial and spiritual ... Views: 1698
Today I would like to share an inspiring way of seeing ourselves. As we know, human beings have an amazing brain and its potential has not yet been fully discovered. It is subjected to always new studies and experimentation.
The human brain is a mystery. Stil some great human beings seem to ... Views: 1665
What I would like to share with you today is the best method I could find, and experienced, to bring changes into your life.
The following is an extract from my online course "Soulmate Connection" :
"In the eternal being that is you, you still preserve your pure consciousness, and whatever ... Views: 1993
I want to show how our life can be so much different if just before a silence we end up positive in our talk. The last note of our talk is like the last note of a song, it stays longer and it has more impact on our mind. The end of a sentence brings you somewhere. It could take you somewhere you ... Views: 1593
Today I will share with you an important practice that can bring you insight on your life at "multidimensional" levels.
Dreams are not just elaborations of the subconscious as many people think, but they are the symbolic language we use to communicate with the Universe. They are also the ... Views: 1865
To realize and fully live by your true nature, you need to break the inner and outer cycles that are making your life miserable or, in the best case, difficult.
In this chapter we'll talk about something which is fundamental to our understanding of the cycles of life: duality.
In this world ... Views: 3319
(from the book: THE GOLDEN JEWEL)
There are different centers of consciousness within you, the information stored within them relates directly to how you see and perceive life. Meditating upon their essence is a great aid in the expansion of your consciousness. These centers are well evolved in ... Views: 3995
The Three Main Prerequisites to Attract Your Soulmate.
Finding your soulmate is not so difficult. However, before delving into the book more deeply, let's have a look at the necessary fundamentals you have to know.
These 3 prerequisites are commitments that you need to embrace and practice ... Views: 4481