Today I want to challenge each and everyone of you with my blog. I want to challenge you to be brutally honest with yourself and ask yourself just one question “Are you in Denial?”. I will bet that the majority of you will emphatically answer NO. I’m not in denial, I fully accept what has gone ... Views: 839
There is a saying that goes like this, “In life we mainly see what we look for”. I think that all of us at one time or another has looked for the worst in our situations, only to have it become our reality. Why is it that some people see themselves, and their lives, in such a negative way that ... Views: 803
Someone once told me that life is like taking a train ride. The unique part about it is that from start to finish, you and only you, will be the only one on the entire ride. Oh sure others will join you for part of your ride, but again you and only you, will be the only one on the entire ride. ... Views: 880
I have always said that I am the most blessed father in the world to have my children. Raising them on my own has definitely been a challenge, but with challenges come great rewards. I hope that I can just keep the two of them around long enough to realize this.
My son is now 17 and I am so ... Views: 982
When I was young, my friends and I would go to the local amusement park each summer and ride the roller coaster. Damn that roller coaster would scare me, but I was not about to be the first one to say it. I was convinced that each time I would get on it, would be the day that it was going come ... Views: 859
In the 1996 movie “Jerry Maguire” there is a famous line where Jerry (Tom Cruise) flies back home to meet Dorothy ( Renee Zellweger) to tell her that he loves her and wants her in his life, and she tells him “You had me at hello”. What made that line so famous was that although the couple had ... Views: 895
Spring break is upon us! Yippee our kids scream, no more getting up early, no more homework and no more worries for at least the next week. Spring break is that time of year where the kids rejoice, and we parents are put in a very precarious position of deciding what to do with them? Many ... Views: 1181
What have I been doing with my life? I always thought that life was suppose to teach me things each and every step of the way. As a young boy I attended school every day because I was told that it would teach me things that I didn’t already know. I graduated from college thinking that I would be ... Views: 658
This morning I attended a funeral for one of the employees of our mortgage company, Mike McPhee. I only knew Mike for a short period of time, but during that time Mike always impressed me. He was hard working, organized, positive, helpful and always had a smile on his face. He was built well, in ... Views: 5870
If you have been following my blogs lately, you know that I seem to be on a two date maxium I Think I’m Going To Be Single For Awhile… My daughter Michaela, even went so far as to tell me I have commitment issues My Daughter Say’s That I have Commitment Issues, I Say I Have Time Management ... Views: 772
So my blog last week I Think I’m Going To Be Single For Awhile…seemed to stir up a few comments from many of you. More than one person emailed, called or texted me with their thoughts about it. Half the people said “Well there goes some of your readers” and the other half said “Bill you just ... Views: 788
It seems that I am always getting emails from people asking me what the secret to happiness is as a single parent? So many of these people are just plain unhappy being single as, a single parent. They seem to believe that they need to be with someone in order to validate their life. Then I get ... Views: 2044
I can’t tell you the number of people, who when I tell them that I have teenagers, say things like “Wow that must be tough” or “Good luck you will need it”. I don’t care, I love having teenagers. I really do. I can still remember what my life was like as a teenager. I can remember when I was ... Views: 905
Dear Sara;
It’s been almost three and a half years since you passed away, five years since we divorced and seven years since you left me to be a sole parent to Jack and Michaela. I figured that maybe now we should talk again. First let me update you on the kids.
Jack for the most part is ... Views: 2141