An intriguing discussion popped up on social media. It all started with a question: “Is crying in the workplace okay? Does it show you are genuinely human or weak or overly sensitive or ______________(fill in the blank)?” Underneath a question like that is the proverbial value assessment: ‘Is ... Views: 1411
An intriguing discussion popped up on social media. It all started with a question: “Is crying in the workplace okay? Does it show you are genuinely human or weak or overly sensitive or ______________(fill in the blank)?” Underneath a question like that is the proverbial value assessment: ‘Is ... Views: 1306
Financial meltdown, economic slowdown, health care horror stories (mixed with miracles), touch the psyche. Things are not the same as they used to be. As Einstein said, “the thinking/consciousness that created the situation is not the thinking that will get us out.” There are two ways to ... Views: 1432
What would it take to engage you in the work you are doing? Is it passion? Is it some shared sense of purpose? Is it because you like checking off the tasks that the boss gave you? Do not get me wrong. Any answer is a good answer but the last question marks the differentiating point between what ... Views: 1279
In 1999, when Peter Senge wrote the Dance of Change, he described spiritual intelligence as the space, freedom and safety to bring your whole self to work. Nine years later how close are we to seeing and achieving that result?
Disengagement, performance gaps, and stress-related illness are all ... Views: 1518
Most people would agree that decision making has never been more challenging, quite simply because more information does not make the decision better. Knowing what information to trust does. Business decisions today demand a balance of intuition and logic. The blend is best captured by what ... Views: 1737
You have heard it before. Do the work you love and the money will follow. Did you believe it?
For people like Paula Dean, whose passion for cooking and culinary artistry runs the Food Network, her love; her work and her contribution to humanity are integrally intertwined. There is no ... Views: 1144
In the interview called Death of Command and Control on Rod Collins, the former COO of Blue Cross-Blue Shield, explained why the old system of hierarchical management and controls just doesn’t work anymore … it’s too slow. Getting to market is a whole lot faster when ... Views: 2156