Over the holiday break, I received a call from a client who wanted to chat about our book reviews. She said her husband used our reviews to determine the best books to purchase for his key clients as gifts for special occasions. During our conversation, she asked me a question that actually ... Views: 1596
Working in the consulting, seminar and keynoting business, we receive a good number of calls from clients looking for a "motivational" speaker. I often struggle with that terminology. Very early in my career, I attended a number of programs which featured a "motivational speaker." I was very ... Views: 1826
In a recent conversation with a college professor friend of mine, he mentioned a growing phenomenon that occurs in most every one of his sessions with his students. He happens to teach Leadership and Organizational Development, and his classes include students in their late teens as well as ... Views: 1752
"Life-long learning" is a popular trend that continues to offer vast opportunities to all those who recognize its value. It also applies to more than a single segment of your business.
For instance, consider its application in a key area such as customer service and satisfaction. Do your ... Views: 1763
Tom Peters, alumnus of the management consulting firm of McKinsey & Company and one of today's best known and highest paid management gurus, first came to prominence in 1982 as he "knocked our socks off" with his eye-opening best-seller In Search of Excellence. This thought-provoking classic ... Views: 13846
Dealing with conflict is a frequent concern for many organizations. Managers and supervisors have to deal with conflict on a daily basis. Many times conflict happens when people see situations differently. Often the potential conflict can be defused by understanding the other person’s point of ... Views: 1896
There's a certain point in your business life where buzzwords become a nonentity. You've heard them all a million times. They soon mean nothing and actually become an annoyance. The list is endless...quality, empowerment, walk-the-talk, open-book management, win-win, Y2K, out-of-the-box, yadda, ... Views: 1746
Improving communication is a major need for many organizations.
Whether you are a manager, supervisor, or frontline employee, there are always opportunities to improve communication. Often, communication problems occur when people don’t pay attention to the basics. Here are five keys to ... Views: 4075
In times of rapid change, both small and large businesses today are increasingly viewing training as an investment, not a cost. If your business uses outside training consultants, you will want to maximize your return on this training investment. Qualified training consultants and seminar ... Views: 1745