I love giving myself permission to do what I want, don't you? Or do you? I know, it's hard, you have so much to do, and people depending on you and when you do have time to do what you want, it means sitting in front of the televison or computer (my vice) until it's time for bed. I hate to ... Views: 880
Eight years ago I was going through a very painful divorce. We had been married 23 years. I had the intention to be married forever, and most painful of all, it was my decision. Once we separated, I realized I hardly knew myself. I had been pretty co-dependently caring for my husband and our ... Views: 1006
I love hiking and being outdoors. While I really love beautiful places I've never seen, and trails to hike that remind me of being a kid and exploring, I am also happy just walking outside in my neighborhood. There is something about taking the time to be outside and observe what is there, that ... Views: 2939
I'm pretty sure no matter who you are, what your business/job might be, or what your "portfolio" looks like, it's hard not to get a bit stressed with what is going on right now. That is all we hear on the news and all that the papers have to offer. I don't get the paper anymore, but on my walk ... Views: 1011