Some people may think that meditation and “finding your chi” is for people who are a little off center, or are still living in the sixties. The fact is more and more people are seeing the value of meditation as a way to take the stress out of their lives, increase their mental stamina, and ... Views: 2456
Memory training involves more than techniques that help you to learn and retain what you learn. Things like exercise and brain foods are also part of the strategy that will increase your brainpower, and keep you sharp throughout your lifetime.
I have done extensive research into foods and ... Views: 1543
It is possible for your brain to heal itself without medication. You can improve your memory, attention, sleep pattern, and even stress levels by simply using a method known as neurofeedback.
Neurofeedback is a natural, non-invasive therapy that lets your brain relearn and retrain itself to ... Views: 3203
Throughout our entire lives we have been exposed to lead, chemicals, pollution and other toxic substances that can build up in our bloodstream and cause damage to our hearts, lungs and brains - not to mention other parts of our bodies.
You come in contact with these pollutants in your water, ... Views: 2710
Everyone goes through a period of time when they are depressed for some reason or another. It only stands to reason that no one is happy and positive all of the time. Depression could be caused by the loss of a loved one or pet; after the losing their or money on the stock market; or they could ... Views: 1336
As we age our brain changes and we have more memory lapses, fuzzy-thinking, and it gets harder to process what we learn. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as stress, multi-tasking, sleep deprivation, or diabetes.
"The decline you're noticing is real — and it starts before age ... Views: 1925
Did your teachers inform your parents that you were an underachiever, and could do better in school? Have your children’s teachers told you that? Perhaps you thought they were wrong, because you know you tried, and you’ve seen your child struggle and try. Perhaps it was somewhat the fault of the ... Views: 1610
I’m sure you learned in school that more than half of your body is made up of water (newborns are ¾ fluids and ¼ solid body). It is important in plasma, and in and outside our cells. Our skin and body tissues, including our cartilage, are guzzlers, and every part of our body requires quenching. ... Views: 2957
It doesn’t take as much energy as you may think to improve your memory. You simply have to use your imagination and then follow through. It requires paying attention, focusing on what you are trying to learn, and making a few minor adjustments in how you try to recall information.
Your mind ... Views: 1896
A qwirky study out of the Netherlands indicates that the posture of a person can change the way they make decisions. In researching studies on the brain I came across this research and it definitely seemed strange, and interesting.
Researchers at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam have found ... Views: 2082
Brain injury, brain cancer, infections or a stroke are among the causes of brain injury. Although the brain takes measures to protect itself in the best way it can, after a trauma to the brain there may be a loss of some function until the swelling goes down. If the damage that occurs is more ... Views: 2510
Some of you may recall back into the 70’s that students were told that if they put headphones on and listened to their lessons they would be able to remember what they learned better and be able to ace the test the next day. Others even believed that if you put your textbook under your pillow ... Views: 1766
A friend of mine is the mother of four, grandmother of three, and jokingly told me that if she had one wish it was to put children entering puberty into a machine, in suspended animation, until they were mature - all the while feeding them a nutritious diet, giving them therapeutic exercise so ... Views: 2337
Athletes require training for their mind as well as their bodies. As a matter of fact, training for any type of sporting event, especially one as grueling as a marathon, is 90% in the mind. It is the mind that controls the body, and it can do amazing things to get your body to go above and ... Views: 1563
Often the stress we feel when we are about to take a test - whether for school or a job, is the stress we put on ourselves. If you are prepared, and know the material as well as you can, you have all you need to do well, so why are you putting roadblocks up for yourself?
I have a friend who ... Views: 2113
Two Time USA Memory Champion and memory training expert and memory keynote Ron White shares his thoughts on brain foods to increase your memory capacity.
The American diet does not exactly help in boosting your brain capacity or how to remember. In fact, it does just the opposite by slowing ... Views: 2163
Children learn languages much faster than adults, so learning another language – such as Spanish; can be easier when they are young. As a matter of fact, with our shrinking world due to technology and networking learning another language can be very useful tool in the job market as well as ... Views: 2193
Ron White the 2 time National Memory Champion Acknowledging and Preserving Albert Einstein’s Legacy
I have been fascinated by Albert Einstein and his extraordinary life, mind and views most of my life – so much so that I created a program about him entitled ‘How to Develop The Mind ... Views: 1705
Telling a Story to Build Your Memory Power
By Ron White Memory Expert and USA Memory Champion
In the levels of memory training, association includes elements of memory training, such as acronyms. Have you heard of acronyms? An acronym is a series of letters created using the first letter of ... Views: 2655
By Ron White memory expert and USA Memory Champion
As I was training for the USA Memory Championship in 2009 I emailed the then World Champion, Ben Pridmore, and I asked him for advice he could give me as I trained. His advice was simple….trust your memory.
That was it….trust my ... Views: 2078
Ron White memory expert and USA Memory Champion discusses how sleep affects memory:
Here is the scenario, you are going into a mental tournament against some of the smartest men and women you know and you can't sleep the night before! This was not an imaginary scenario for is exactly ... Views: 2198
Ron White memory training experts recounts his experience of his second memory training tournament. If you have not read the 2008 USA Memory Championship story you might want to read that one first
With the experience of 2008 behind me I was not focused on becoming the national memory ... Views: 1342
Ron White memory training expert gives his account on the 2008 USA Memory Championship:
What was it like to compete in my first memory tournament? A once in a life time experience :)
It was 2008 and my first memory tournament but the story started years before. I don't know exactly when ... Views: 2261
Ron White memory training expert on stress and your memory.
Do you know what one of the biggest enemies to your memory is?
Billy Joel sings in his song, 'Pressure',....'You will come to a place where loaded guns are in your face and you will have to deal with PRESSURE!'
To ... Views: 1421
Does Ron White memory expert use an organizer or day timer? Do I use my cell phone to save phone numbers? Sure I do.
Back when I was a kid we walked to school in 3 feet of snow and it was uphill both ways!! Okay, actually not. But that doesn't mean things weren't a lot then they are ... Views: 1485
Ron White memorizing cards at the 2009 World Memory Championship in London. In this attempt Ron shuffled through a deck of cards in 1 min and 17 seconds (roughly) and then (not shown in the video) attempted to assemble a second deck of cards to match the deck he has just seen. It was not a ... Views: 1772
'Ron White memory training expert and two time USA Memory Champion.' I like the sound of that!!
But to be honest I like the sound of, 'Ron White memory training expert and 3 time USA Memory Champion' even better!! :)
Before I share with you what my memory training schedule looks like and ... Views: 1399
Ron White Memory Expert and USA Memory Champion recommends this game! The game is here
Okay, I have won memory tournaments but I after this I am wondering if there are jigsaw tournaments. This was an awesome online game!
Now this is FUN and addicting! I do believe ... Views: 3234
By Ron White Memory Expert and USA Memory Champion
Some of the memory training tips that I can give you are very simple and others a little bit more involved. Lets start off basic.
1. Sleep is critical for your memory. When I competed in the World Memory Championships in 2009 I was ... Views: 1991
Dale Carnegie tells us that the sweetest sound to a person's ear is the sound of their own name and that everyone's favorite subject is himself. Knowing this how many times have you been introduced to someone and 2 seconds later cannot remember their name?
Have you ever been at the bank, ... Views: 3067