Anger is one of the most challenging time traps there is. But once you recognize the traps, you can begin to free yourself and boost your effectiveness!
Let's explore 3 anger traps that may be familiar to you. Then I'll share a powerful exercise that can free you in just 3 ... Views: 1324
Using your time wisely and finding success is founded on self-knowledge and self-respect. You might think that it requires organization skills and discipline - and those things are certainly important. But even more important to your time success is being your own best friend.
In everyday ... Views: 1511
Stress is part of everyone's life and work. Whether you work for someone else, run your own small business, or are a solopreneur, the better you manage your work stress, the happier and more productive you'll be in all facets of your life. So, while stress may be here to stay, it doesn't have ... Views: 1571
Finding time to really enjoy holiday festivities can be a big challenge. Why? Well, think about it. There are lots of factors that are especially prevalent during this season … and they certainly up the ante when it comes to stress. They include:
• Complex feelings and dynamics generated ... Views: 1492
Finding time to stay healthy can be challenging in the midst of holiday celebrations. But whatever holidays you celebrate, you don't have to give up healthy habits. In fact, you can still celebrate and have fun while maintaining and building on the activities that sustain you and add ... Views: 1748
Procrastination is like a prison – a self-fulfilling prophecy of denial, delay, frustration and failure. But that doesn't have to be the end of the story – not by a long shot!
Finding time by overcoming procrastination is definitely within your reach. However, it requires more than ... Views: 2870
Procrastination can cause nightmares, literally. Have you ever had one of those dreams where you are in school and have a paper due or a test to take and you haven’t done anything to prepare? It seems to be almost a universal human experience. He good news is that even if you have ... Views: 1630
Time management tools and tips help you plan your time. But our days aren't always predictable. Sometimes life is calm, and we struggle to stay on track. Sometimes chaos rules as life throws us curve ball after curve ball. Maybe distractions swirl around you, calling out for your attention. ... Views: 1515
Time management tips are about efficiency, effectiveness, AND energy. Let's focus on energy today. Did you know that a powerful morning ritual can enhance your energy throughout your day?
Well, it's very true. As your day unfolds, you can draw upon the power that even a brief ritual ... Views: 1994
Time management tips take on new importance when technology enters the scene. The challenge becomes one of finding time to take advantage of all the fresh opportunities available while not letting the 'shiny new object' detract from your life off-line.
The Annenberg Center for the Digital ... Views: 1798
It’s hard to stay calm and focused when you are under the gun. Times like that, having the right time management tools at hand is a real lifesaver.
So, as summer draws to a close and many of us are getting ready to get back to work or school, isn’t this the perfect time to think about how ... Views: 1868
Finding time is easier when you're mindful. And Time Energy™ offers you ways to continually reconnect with your mindfulness.
Why Mindfulness?
Mindful moments are fully lived. You are present to them, so they don't slip by unheeded, unappreciated, and under-utilized. Not only that, but ... Views: 2495
Making the most of the time you have isn’t just about making successful choices – it’s about integrating those choices into your life so that they become positive habits. Usually by the end of a month of continuous daily repetition you will develop a successful habit that will lead you to ... Views: 1595
Time management, at its best, boosts your efficiency and effectiveness so that you accomplish necessary tasks and find time for what matters most. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a busy mom, a coach, a student, or anyone with a full plate, your To Do List is key to your success.
But ... Views: 1588
Time management skills can improve your life in ways that are concrete, practical, and far-reaching. Whenever you are able to use your time more efficiently and effectively, you give yourself the gift of more time, to use for whatever you value most.
This is where one of my very favorite ... Views: 1928
Time management blogs and articles rarely discuss the idea of making use of mistakes. But wouldn’t it be great to be able to put your mistakes to work for you? That would mean that none of your time was ever ‘wasted.’
It’s a little like thinking of your life as a sustainable farm. ... Views: 2027
Time management articles offer excellent ideas for jump-starting your productivity, replenishing your energy, and helping you live as fully as you can in each and every moment. But ideas have to be put into action if they are going to be effective.
So, why set boundaries, anyway? Well, ... Views: 1754
Time management is about productivity and it can be about so much more! That is because time has both duration and depth. It is linear, occurring in measurable increments, AND it is highly subjective. We experience it differently, depending on the feelings and events that our moments ... Views: 2493
Using solid time management strategies helps you prioritize, organize, and plan ahead. But once you have a plan, you also need solid skills for managing those inevitable interruptions that challenge your focus and your productivity.
Sharpening these skills will keep you on track. ... Views: 2116
The Heart-based Time Management™ System goes beyond conventional time management, offering tools and insights for transforming your relationship with time. This is important because, while your to-do lists and schedules have an impact on your time, so do your thoughts, feelings, and values. ... Views: 1863
The keys to amazing productivity are in your hands. Like a garden that’s been fallow all winter and is ready to burst into bloom, you harbor a wealth of ideas just waiting for the right environment to flourish. Time management skills can move those ideas from seed to harvest and provide you ... Views: 1885
Whenever you find time to reduce your stress, you can be sure that you will be repaid for your efforts. Stress reduction is one of the surest ways to increase your focus, energy, creativity, and appreciation of life’s moments. And yet, when things get busy or our minds and energies are ... Views: 1504
Time management is a day-to-day challenge that offers great rewards when it comes to efficiency, effectiveness, and making the most of your available energy. When you spend time on a computer, the challenges are a little bit different than they are in the rest of your daily life.
Focus can ... Views: 2202
In your busy, daily life, time management is important, and productivity is at a premium. So doesn’t it make sense to multi-task whenever you can? Who wouldn’t want to be doing two things in the time it takes to do one?
Well, actually … multi-tasking is often exactly the opposite of what ... Views: 2554
Finding time to accomplish your goals can become challenging when your own expectations of yourself are so high that they are impossible to attain. Perfectionism, like a tantalizing mirage in a desert, lures you toward the unattainable ideal. It hovers enticingly, just out of reach, while your ... Views: 2002
Finding time to accomplish your goals can become challenging when others make demands on your attention and energy. Does this sound familiar?
Maybe family members or colleagues confront you with 'surprise' deadlines or frequent and urgent crises. If you are not careful these kinds of ... Views: 1924
Finding time is easier when you put yourself in a position to be able to focus. That may seem like a simplistic statement, but in our increasingly plugged in, socially-networked and information-saturated world, focus can be difficult to come by – let alone sustain.
And yet, when it comes to ... Views: 1434
Finding time and staying on track when you need to should not be so hard, right? When you have something that you need to finish, or someplace that you need to get to, my guess is that you are alert to the really big distractions that can trip you up.
But maybe it's the small time wasters ... Views: 2792
Heart-Based Time Management™ strategies can help you free yourself from beliefs and habits that hold you back and stifle your success – no matter what your goals may be. A very good example is the habit of perfectionism. It can tie you in knots, can’t it?
“Striving for excellence ... Views: 2866
Finding time works best when you are organized and efficient. But, as I am sure you know, it takes a lot more than to-do lists.
For example, when you run into roadblocks, or when something unexpected throws you off-track, you need to marshal enormous resourcefulness and resilience to get ... Views: 2120
Do you feel like you are always running behind and then playing catch-up with yourself? Every time you attempt a new task, do you end up feeling frustrated and overwhelmed while the clock just keeps ticking? Can you feel yourself getting anxious, even just reading this?
Well, it doesn’t have ... Views: 1635
Heart-Based Time Management™ can give you keys to open new doors and explore new possibilities. Use these 3 Timely Tips and see how letting go can help you step into your own, unique power.
An excellent first step for simplifying your life and for freeing yourself up to focus on your top ... Views: 2589
“If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily.”
Gerald Good
Gratitude is always a choice that enriches your time and your life - always. And it’s anything but sentimental or irrelevant.
Gratitude is grounded solidly in the realities of life ... Views: 2247
There are few things as overwhelming as feeling buried in clutter. Whether it’s your in-box, your To-Do List, or your kitchen cabinets, clutter is confusing, discouraging, and energy-draining. Like weeds in a garden, it can overwhelm and choke out whatever you were trying to grow!
The start ... Views: 3463
Happy New Year! I wish you a healthy and growthful New Year, filled with productivity, depth, love, learning, laughter, and the time to reflect, assimilate and appreciate it all!
Transitioning into something new always means, for me, remembering and honoring what has been. That’s the ... Views: 1786
Finding time to live each moment to its fullest is a core goal and fundamental value of the Heart-Based Time Management™ System. Preparing and planning ahead is one of the best ways to create the climate for living your moments fully. Doing the groundwork ahead of time means that you'll find ... Views: 2938
Time management tips couldn’t be more important than right now - just in time for the holiday season! How would you like to transform the stressful parts of holiday get-togethers into truly celebratory occasions for yourself?
Well, you can do it … and you can start right now by creating a ... Views: 2561
Heart-based time management is all about finding time, increasing productivity, and deepening your experience of each and every moment. And heart-based time management works best when you are using your time efficiently and effectively. But what happens when something unexpected enters the ... Views: 3146
Finding time to manage the critical voices that we all carry inside is one of the most powerful time management choices that you can make for yourself. Your first step in making the most of your time is learning to recognize and rechannel the energy that is so often funneled into self-critical ... Views: 2222
Finding time for what matters most always boils down to our time choices. We have the same 24-hours every single day of our lives … and what we do with those hours defines who we are, as well as going a long way to determine the quality of our lives.
The good news is that time management ... Views: 2920
Imagine finding time to:
• Fulfill life’s daily demands,
• Make headway on your big goals, and
• Be able to pursue your favorite and most self-nurturing activities.
I know I don’t have to tell you … that can be a very tall order, requiring lots of focus and discipline!
And do you ... Views: 3968
Heart-based time management is all about finding time, increasing productivity, and deepening your experience of each and every moment. And heart-based time management works best when you use your time effectively, because procrastinating won't help you complete important projects, let alone ... Views: 2241
What if you could give yourself the gift of time and space to expand, deepen, and recharge your energy? Imagine giving that to yourself each and every day.
Time management can increase your efficiency and help you actualize your goals. Heart-based time management does that, too – and so ... Views: 3704
Do you ever have one of those days when you can’t see even a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel? I bet you know what I’m talking about … it’s one of those days when to do lists and templates and time boundaries, as helpful as they are, just don’t look like they are going to cut it. You ... Views: 2584
Finding time to outsmart procrastination, especially when a job you hate is what’s waiting for you, can be a real challenge. But the truth is that when you create a logjam for yourself, those dreaded tasks just become even more of a nuisance.
So, here are 5 timely tips that will absolutely ... Views: 2644
Finding time and then using that time as efficiently and effectively as possible takes more than to-do lists, as you know. Especially when setbacks and unexpected changes arise – as they do every day - it can require enormous resourcefulness and resilience to continue along your most productive ... Views: 1510
Your success requires time management, and time management requires sticking to your priorities and making tough decisions every day. These days, many of us are working harder and putting in longer hours, just to get by. Do you know the feeling? The danger, of course, is that we lose ourselves ... Views: 2787
Finding time can be a lifesaver – especially when you are running out of it with each tick of the clock and a waiting task looms! And how about when that looming task is something you’ve procrastinated about?
I bet you know the project I mean. It’s the one you found out about five weeks ... Views: 2452
Productive time choices and positive energy are so much easier to access when you are feeling grounded, fresh and revitalized! And the good news is that you hold the power, when it comes to the quality of your energy. It’s right there in your hands, and it’s a lot easier than you might think. ... Views: 2972
Finding time to accomplish your goals is a challenge in this busy world. It gets that much harder if you feel like your day is hijacked by others’ priorities or cluttered with others’ crises.
Take a moment and take a breath.
How do you feel inside when strong personalities make demands ... Views: 2385