If you've heard of aromatherapy,the alternative health treatment using essential oils, you may have wondered: How does Aromatherapy Work? First, let's take a look at what aromatherapy is in the 21st century.
Historically, aromatherapy has referred to the treatment of various ailments using ... Views: 3522
When you read the word art, are you thinking about mortal combat?
A guess would be, no.
Martial arts have a softer side, an internal side that give them deep rooted philosophical stratum often not understood by non-artists. This is one of the reasons why it is an excellent idea for children to ... Views: 1887
A vacation overseas is an exciting event. Exotic locations can mean a greater risk for potential health problems and a larger chance of not finding adequate medical services.
Plan your travel health as carefully as your travel itinerary with the Fox News Channel's Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld ... Views: 2531
Are you a type A, go getter, do ten things at once type of person?
Do you get bored easily with the same old-same old?
Want to know the best way to combat that boredom and bring your health and fitness to a new level?
I spent years trying different healthy workouts beginning with ... Views: 2194