A marketing plan outlines the basics for how you want to market your business. Your marketing plan helps you establish, direct and coordinate your marketing efforts. It’s your roadmap for success. Your marketing plan allows you to understand your customer base, better determine exactly how ... Views: 714
It’s official. Social media is here to stay. It’s not a fad like so many initially thought and it isn’t going anywhere soon. Businesses have realized that not only is it a great way to connect with current clients, but a great way to land potential clients as well. And that’s only the ... Views: 857
Social Media is quickly growing into one of the most-used marketing tools for work-at-home moms. One of the largest social media websites, Twitter.com, can be an effective way to spread the word about your business and learn from other top representatives in your business niche. However, it can ... Views: 1448
The phone was ringing and I couldn't find the energy to answer it. I knew I should answer, needed to answer, but couldn't summon the strength necessary. I'd been fighting the discouragement and frustration of a lingering illness for months and didn't see any end in sight. Doctor's said I'd see ... Views: 793
Blogging is quickly becoming the new favorite for small business marketers. Mainly because of the amazing results they received when they blog regularly. And publicity isn't the only benefit to blogging. There are many ways that blogging can add merit to your business. In fact, The Wall ... Views: 866
I don't know how most people do it, but when I brush my teeth I like to rinse using a cup. I prefer the little dixie paper cups because I can toss it and there's no mess. As a mom, I love disposable items - no washing necessary. Sounds harmless enough, right? I thought so, until recently when my ... Views: 866
Work-at-home moms face many different challenges. From learning to accept help when needed, to building confidence in ourselves, to remembering the reasons why we chose to work from home. Below is the second in the series of tips to help work-at-home moms in the simplest of ways – the ... Views: 1134
Work-at-home moms face many different challenges. From learning to accept help when needed, to building confidence in ourselves, to remembering the reasons why we chose to work from home. Below is the first in a series of tips to help work-at-home moms in the simplest of ways – the ... Views: 850
After days of searching online, I found a website that I thought sold the item I needed. Excited, I scoured the website for the price of the product and the payment. Unfortunately, I never found the information. After ten minutes of searching, I gave up.
No matter how many visitors you are ... Views: 798
When someone asks you about what you do, do you have a ready answer? Or do you stumble and stammer trying to explain your business?
I was recently at a writer’s conference where one of the main focuses was learning to create a successful book pitch. My instructor emphasized what a good ... Views: 902
The trend of telecommuting is on the rise as employers begin to see the savings involved in both gas and office space. With gas prices at an all-time high, many Americans are looking for ways to do less driving and more companies than ever before are offering telecommuting options to their ... Views: 968
Owning my own business has taught me many things about myself. I’ve learned that I can make wise business decisions, I can manage the accounts and taxes for my company, and I can type with one hand while holding a sleeping 6 month old. All of these things have helped me develop into a much more ... Views: 903