Do you notice yourself shifting and changing now? Do you feel an urgency now to fulfill your potential?
Humanity is now undergoing a massive shift. People are awakening spiritually at a more rapid rate and in larger numbers than ever before. This is a pivotal time in human history- a time ... Views: 1757
We first make our habits, and then our habits make us. John Dryden
Conquer your bad habits, or they’ll eventually conquer you. Dr. Robert Gilbert.
Constructive habits support us to resist temptations such as the temptation to procrastinate or to avoid a challenging situation. When we ... Views: 4920
For over 20 years now I've engaged in business as an entrepreneur and regarded this as a key part of my spiritual practice. When I began, I felt something amiss about having my spiritual life separate from the rest of my life- especially from the professional realm. I endeavored to integrate ... Views: 1184
Living in the modern world can be stressful. It’s your choice. A choice you make many times each day when you choose how to react to things that happen. There’s no shortage of research proving that it’s HOW we REACT to life’s events that determines whether we experience stress and how much ... Views: 1238
You’ve probably seen lists like this. I just received one attributed to the Tony Robbins organization; I’ve received others in the past. Not bad advice, actually so I’ll share the one I just got with a few changes.
ONE . Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully, willingly- they ... Views: 2323
There’s a quote being used frequently these days that I rather like: “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” There seem to be different sources credited for it.
“When you ACCEPT your inner divinity you discover your inner genius. When you DISCOVER your inner genius you reveal your ... Views: 1683
I’ve been noticing something in the world of late. Major shifts in consciousness are occurring and impacting us in BIG ways. There’s a karmic quickening going on. Those ‘on the path’ (i.e. lightworkers, conscious individuals, people committed to evolution and growth personally and ... Views: 1549
“Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being” - Rumi
"There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no ... Views: 2162
Soon people will be writing out their New Year's Resolutions for 2009 or at least thinking about the New Year. People will be thinking of what they want, what they want to be different and better, and what they think they could do differently to better bring about the life or circumstances they ... Views: 2218
What are you seeking in your relationship with money? In life? What do you wish were different? Money can be a tool to transform your life in more meaningful ways. As a tool, it may facilitate the path of true fulfillment that comes from living your life intentionally and from purpose. The ... Views: 1847
Many people start out their adult lives expecting to fulfill their dreams, their life purpose, expecting to be successful, to be balanced, happy and fulfilled, become wealthy, etc., but when they perceive that they may not reach their targets (perhaps an obstacle arises, perhaps they don’t ... Views: 1674
Essential Time Management
By Kamila Harkavy
There’s something about the end of the year: whether it’s that business slows down, looking at the year in review – what went well, what didn’t, what could be improved or different; or that people start thinking about the New Year and making a ... Views: 1379
Coaching, like therapy, and other forms of self-improvement has it's detractors or skeptics who question the need for coaching and the benefits. In fact, EVERYONE benefits from having a coach because no matter what kind of genius you are at what you do, a coach can offer you perspective, ... Views: 1646
Massive Breakthroughs with Theta Healing
By Kamila Harkavy
How would you like a massive breakthrough in your life? Theta Healing and NLP can facilitate one for you.
As you may know, I’m an Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner, and use Theta in my work as a Money Coach and Life Purpose ... Views: 2035