Today I wake up at 6:00 AM and headed to the gym. I took my dog Michael with me because the gym is in a park. I thought we could run first. It was so beautiful outside. The air was cool and fresh. The park was full on runners, walkers,bikers and dogs. It was nice to see so many people out ... Views: 1198
I went to a seminar the other day and they mentioned “How money is the cause of most divorces.” How many times have you heard this? The thing is I don’t believe it. Think about this for a moment.
Money is energy just like everything else in this world. It is a piece of paper with ink on it. It ... Views: 1003
We are all longing for that special someone to share our lives with and open our heart too. We go through many different relationships hoping for the right one. Hoping to find our soulmate. But, it isn’t our soulmate we are longing for. It is our twin flame.
There is so much talk about ... Views: 2090
You see a smile across the room that seems to light up your whole being. The next thing you know your eyes meet and you can’t seem to look away. You are excited and nervous all at once. When you say ‘hello” you heart is beating so loud you think everyone in the room can hear it. That is just the ... Views: 1089
I would like to talk to you about Body Images. We all have this wonderful image set in your minds of how we want to look and how we see ourselves being.
A few years back, in 1998 I ran across a magazine that talked about the Body For Life Challenge. I knew right then I was going to do it and ... Views: 1231
Have you ever thought about how today’s market may actually be trying to keep you out of shape and unhealthy? Millions of people being “out of shape” is making millions of dollars for the fitness and medical industries. As we grow larger and unhealthier, others in this world are capitalizing on ... Views: 973
There is much talk about this book called “A New Earth by Eckart Tolle” In the beginning of the book he mention’s “not everyone is ready.”
This is so true but on my journey of awakening it happened without me, being ready. You see when God calls you can’t hang up the phone. I know I tried. ... Views: 1053
Do you believe in Angels? More than likely, you do And, you are far from alone. Since the beginning of our time here on earth, people have been “touched” by Angels. There have been uncountable stories and reports and visions of Angels interacting with (saving, rescuing, comforting, guiding) ... Views: 1757