Make a list of your favorite things about Christmas and I would be willing to bet your list doesn't include fruitcake. Christmas fruitcake has never made the list unless you are a Randisi. My mother-in-law Rose Randisi made the best Christmas fruitcake bar none. People who have tasted her ... Views: 2983
Tell me if you've heard this one.
Five birds are sitting on a telephone wire. Two decide to fly south. How many are left? Most people would say three. Actually, all five are left. You see, deciding to fly isn't the same thing as actually doing it.
So it is with most things. Good ... Views: 1655
Parents never know which gesture, tradition or spur-of-the-moment childhood adventure will become a treasured memory. However, chances are more treasured moments will occur during the summer months when most parents have more time to spend with their children. Embracing the moments of life is ... Views: 1423
A little preparation can turn any road trip into a fun family adventure.
Here are some suggestions and creative ideas to help families enjoy one another’s company while traveling on the road.
FOR TODDLERS: Prepare ziplock bags of items to be given out every 25, 50 or 75 miles. In each bag put ... Views: 1657
A teacher once asked me, “What are you doing with your children?” She pushed her reading glasses to the end of her nose, pointed her finger directly at me and said, “I must speak to you in private.”
I didn’t know what to expect. She shook her head and added, “What ever IT is, just keep doing ... Views: 1977
The French philosopher Jean-Jacque Rousseau wrote, “Childhood has its own way of seeing, thinking, and feeling, and nothing is more foolish than to try to substitute ours for theirs.”
The pressure on today’s children to grow up fast begins in early childhood, starting with their clothing. We ... Views: 5740
When our four year-old son asked if he could have a candy bar at the grocery store, I said no, and he said, okay, and the woman behind me said, “Wow, I’ve never seen that before.” She couldn’t recall seeing a child take no for an answer without whining. Usually children ... Views: 2081
I’ve thought long and hard about what makes children feel good about themselves and the world they live in. I’ve also read a lot of books and articles on this topic because it is my passion, but instead of overloading you with research or information, I thought it would be best to share some ... Views: 1239