Networking is a term that became overused and misunderstood in the late 80s and early 90s, but what is “real” networking? “Real” networking is what I like to call getting yourself “out there.” It is very easy to attend a lot of events and just eat finger food and have a glass of wine, but true ... Views: 916
Cold Calling - It Can Make or Break Your Sales Success
How to cold call. Cold calling is slowly becoming a lost art. However, it is still one of the most powerful tools that a sales and marketing organization can enlist. For starters, a lot less companies untilze cold calling these days. That ... Views: 1081
Do you really know why? Is it because you need to have one for credibility? Do you have one because you generate sales leads on the web? Do you sell (ecommerce) on your website? Does your advertising drive people to your website for more information? These are just a few examples of why you need ... Views: 939