OH my goodness, YES!
And Shamans know this very well. For me to do a soul extraction from here and tell you in an email that it has been done does not compare to me coming to your house, having you lie down on a table and pulling hidden chicken guts out of my sleeve and telling you that I ... Views: 867
Sometimes in our dreams we are visited by a stranger, some ominous personality that we do not recognize and we do not know if this is a good stranger or a not so good stranger. Sometimes we feel a negative energy around us and do not like this feeling. Some of us are able to astral travel and ... Views: 939
Power Songs are oral prayers expressing your true self, your nature, your individuality, your power. All cultures have power songs but you can have your own power song too. We think of the power in a hymn or an African chant, a Shamanic ceremony song or even in the howling of wolf. And there is ... Views: 837
The Shaman and Intent
Intent + Emotion + Knowledge = Shaman
There are 3 elements to being a Shaman: intent, emotional control and impeccable skills. Here we will look at intent.
"Intent is not a thought, or an object, or a wish. Intent is what can make a man succeed when his thoughts tell him ... Views: 1129