People spend average 3 hours on their phone every day and 2 hours approximately using social media. Social media has the ability to grab all your attention because it provides every little information of your interest at your fingertips.
The prevalence of social media can be ... Views: 275
The outbreak of coronavirus has major effects on the respiratory system. However, the effects of the coronavirus have been extended beyond the respiratory system. The disease also affects the neurological system. The patient diagnosed with a neurological condition even after six ... Views: 285
There are various areas for inserting the electrodes. The site of insertion depends upon the disease. The site will be different for essential tremor and Parkinson’s disease. The factors that decide the site include the most severe symptoms the patient is experiencing, the dose of levodopa the ... Views: 292
Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic painful condition of the facial region. It is due to trigeminal nerve compression. Patient with this condition experience throbbing and stabbing pain. Doctors diagnose the condition through neurological examination and imaging techniques. Doctors ... Views: 243
Deep Brain Stimulation Procedure: A Deep Insight
Deep brain stimulation surgery is effective in managing the symptoms of essential tremor, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and dystonia. The abnormal activity of the brain is managed through electrical impulses. In this procedure, the ... Views: 234
Spinal cord stimulation is the technique used to relieve the pain of the spinal cord. The technique involves the use of low-voltage electric current. It is widely used to prevent the pain, especially of legs and arms. As Spinal cord stimulation has some risks, the technique should ... Views: 259