We cannot imagine our day without bathing. Bathing is part of everyday routine, and we spend a couple of minutes a day bathing. Many of us think bathing is for personal hygiene and cleanliness. But there is more to this simple everyday routine than hygiene and cleanliness.
Prerequisite of ... Views: 431
Why does our grandmother get up at 5 AM effortlessly, even on holidays? Why do some people cannot keep their towels on the shelf despite telling them multiple times? Why do some people crave for deep-fried snacks despite knowing that deep-fried foods are not healthy? Why do some people think ... Views: 427
We cannot imagine our day without bathing. Bathing is part of everyday routine, and we spend a couple of minutes a day bathing. Many of us think bathing is for personal hygiene and cleanliness. But there is more to this simple everyday routine than hygiene and cleanliness.
Prerequisite of ... Views: 501
Right since we were children, we have been taught by our parents, teachers, and elders around us to be good. They taught us not to lie, to study hard, to be respectful towards others, not to fight, etc. Some of us practiced these words, and some of us ignored. In India, Lord Rama is considered ... Views: 750
Ahimsa or non-injury is a key virtue in several religions. It is taught by all the Saints and religions not to hurt anyone. It is preached as the ultimate dharma of a human being. The essence of ahimsa is expressed in these words of Mahatma Gandhi – “Ahimsa or non-injury is the highest duty. ... Views: 513
We all have experienced loving others and being loved by others to some extent. But very few of us have experienced self-love. For many, the idea of loving our self seems alien and sounds like a new age philosophy. Loving oneself is not a new age philosophy. Buddha said this about self-love some ... Views: 601
We are surrounded by various relationships in our lives, like the relationship with our spouse, parents, in-laws, children, siblings, colleagues, etc. Relationships are an inevitable part of our life. They bring us joy and sometimes are painful too. No relationship can always be happy. Even the ... Views: 610
Love is a beautiful feeling, and it is one of the most powerful emotions. When a person is in love, the world around looks beautiful. Love has many forms, and the popular form of love is romantic love. So many songs, stories, and movies are themed around this form of love. When we hear the word ... Views: 442
Smiling – It came naturally to us since we were a baby. No one taught us how to smile. When we were a baby. We just smiled for everything and anything. We even smiled during our sleep. Our smile was genuine, innocent, and people around us felt happy just by seeing our smile. We did not have any ... Views: 615
Snacks – when the clock strikes 4 pm or 5 pm, many of us – from children to elders – feel the urge to eat something light and interesting like snacks. Popular snacks are tea and biscuits, deep-fried items like chips, pakoras, samosas, etc., noodles, preservative loaded snack options from ... Views: 541
Knowing what you want, why you want, and taking massive action steps are the three fundamental steps in achieving goals. But sometimes, results don’t come even after doing these three steps. We all have the intention to succeed. We know what we want, why we want, and take action -whether it be ... Views: 570
Meditation is one of the most happening things across the world. We see CEOs, actors and actresses, entrepreneurs, political leaders, sports celebrities meditating and talking about its benefits. Some of the doctors, too, are recommending patients to meditate when diseases are the result of ... Views: 474
The word “suicide” is a taboo and very much avoided in conversations. It is seen as something alien in life. Yet, there are people committing suicide every year. According to the World Health Organization, every year, 1 million people die from suicide, and every 40 seconds, one suicide happens ... Views: 531
Meditation is a powerful tool that can sharpen your mind, refine your emotions, and strengthen your body when done correctly. It rejuvenates and refreshes you after a stressful day and prepares you for a new day. Just like our physical body needs shower everyday to keep it clean and healthy, our ... Views: 568
Stress – this has become a part of modern life no matter what our profession and age is. Everyone from all walks of life– student, teacher, parent, child, software professional, movie actor, homemaker, and so on – is going through stress. This is a common problem faced across the world. And this ... Views: 472
Thank You – This is one of the common words we keep hearing in daily life. It’s common for us to thank someone and be thanked. We say thank you to cab drivers, customer support, clients, strangers, etc. We use the words “thank you” or “thanks” frequently in day to day life, but often, we don’t ... Views: 501
Ghee is one of the essential ingredients of traditional Indian cooking, which adds that unique taste to the food. Our grandmothers used Ghee generously in their cooking. It was part of Indian foods like –dal, Pongal, pickles, sweets, roti, poli, paratha, idli etc. It was served on rice ... Views: 522
Habit is an action done by us without much thinking. They are done automatically, like our second nature. It does not need any motivation or reminder to perform a habit. Our habits drive many of our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions and our life is the sum-total of our habits. Great people ... Views: 643
Do you remember the person who showed you kindness when you least expected it? How do you feel now when you think of that person? Heart-warming, isn’t it? A smile automatically comes on your face. And how do you feel about the instances where you were kind to others? You feel proud of your ... Views: 479
A few decades back, people moved a lot physically in daily life for various activities like buying groceries, banking, household activities, etc. Maids were rare, and dishwashers, washing machines, vacuum cleaners were not affordable for everyone. There was no internet. So, people knowingly or ... Views: 531
Very few people in the world have become successful without being rejected in life. Rejections happen in studies, career, relationships, and at various stages of life. You put all your heart and soul in some idea. You dream about it – maybe for years. You are passionate about it, work hard, and ... Views: 492
One of the toughest things in anyone’s life is breakup. It hurts when that special person is no more part of one’s life. Those conversations, text messages, and memories of the person keep haunting. Breakup is a great void and hurts badly, irrespective of the reasons why the breakup happened. ... Views: 613
After air and water, one key aspect that sustains our life on this planet is food. Vedic view of food is food is God, and God is food. Food is sacred and an essential part of our life. There are many varieties of food on this planet. Some foods are handed over to us by our family, some by ... Views: 520
After air, water is the most important element for our survival on this planet. Our body is approximately 70% of water, and water is vital for our well-being and health. Our brain is 73% water, heart is 73% water, blood is 83% water, lungs are 83% water. Water is essential for several bodily ... Views: 543
There are various laws of nature which are not man-made. These laws are given by the divine. They apply to every nation, every person irrespective of gender, age, beliefs, race, etc. They are always applicable like 1st century or 30th century. These laws of nature are beyond time and space and ... Views: 558
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. – Buddha
Anger is a strong emotion which all of us have experienced at some point in life. Maybe, our loved ones have hurt us through their anger, or we hurt others ... Views: 612
Coronavirus – This microorganism, which cannot be even seen by our eyes, shook the entire world. It brought the world to a standstill in a matter of a few months. Even the most excellent fictional writer could not imagine such a state of the world. It changed our lives dramatically and brought ... Views: 599
Not all days in life will be exciting and fun. You find some days boring and depressing. Some days will be bad days with things out of our control. And on some days, you feel stressed and irritated. Life will have all such days in addition to awesome and fabulous days. Such bad days make us feel ... Views: 562
Aging is part of life, and it is inevitable. All of us will have to go through old age at some or the other point in life. Old age is a challenging stage of life for many people, and it needs to be handled delicately. Many of us might be having elderly parents or in-laws or grandparents in our ... Views: 499
Food is an essential part of our life. It is one of the basic needs. Food is not only a need but also an important factor that impacts our health. When we eat healthy, we stay healthy and fit. Eating unhealthily is like inviting diseases into our life. So, eating healthy is important for all of ... Views: 919
Alex started one weight loss program. He did not see any results even after a month. So, he took a break. After a few months, he read about a new weight loss program that is in trend. He picked it up and tried for another 30 days. He started seeing some results. But he gave up this program too ... Views: 434
Do you remember the last time you sat under the cool shade of a huge tree? When was the last time you watched Sunrise? When did you last fall in love with the full moon? When did you enjoy rain like a child? Many of us struggle to find answers to these questions because we are living fast-paced ... Views: 486
Being a parent is one of the best feelings in life. Many parents remember for a lifetime the first time they held their child in hands. Touching and holding the newborn baby is a divine feeling. Child’s birth is birth not only for the child but for the parents also because parenthood is nothing ... Views: 525
Do you remember the time you were honestly appreciated? How did it feel to you? Amazing, Isn’t it? We all crave for appreciation because being appreciated fulfills us. Yet when it comes to appreciating others, very few of us do it whole-heartedly. We don’t really appreciate others as much as ... Views: 972
We all love being happy, and happiness is our true nature, whether we know it or not. We pursue our goals and dreams in life to be happy. Yet, many of us wait for some big thing to happen in life to be happy. We postpone our happiness, thinking we will be happy when we buy our dream home or get ... Views: 446
All of us get only 24 hours per day. Be it the prime minister or a housewife or a student or a professional or a saint– it is the same amount of time given to all of us. The way each of us uses these 24 hours determines the quality of our life and our future. Our failure and success in life ... Views: 426
We have been taught since childhood to be truthful and not to tell lies. All the great Saints and religions too taught the same. There are many examples of people in mythologies alike Ramayana and Mahabharata, who practiced truthfulness in spite of difficult situations. But it is not easy to ... Views: 572
In the olden days of India, the punishment given to kids who are naughty or trouble makers or not performing well in studies was gunjillu(in Telugu) or thopikaranam (in Tamil). Indians religiously practice gunjillu in front of Lord Ganesha. Gunjillu was an integral part of Indian tradition. So ... Views: 552
When we were babies, we took our first steps and struggled to walk. In the struggle of walking, we fell down multiple times, but we did not give up, and one fine day, we walked, and eventually, we mastered this skill. We walked, we ran, we jumped when we were children. We were physically active, ... Views: 413
Many of us take time out of busy schedules and connect with the divine every day in various ways. We do pooja, meditation, and recharge our home and ourselves for the day. We try to follow the ancient wisdom and traditions laid out by our ancestors and rishis to improve our life. In this ... Views: 527
Old age is an inevitable phase of life, bringing with it various challenges like health issues, mood swings, insomnia, etc. This is the time when elderly parents look for support, care, love, and in some cases, financial support from their grown-up children. It is a fair expectation from ... Views: 643
Marriage is a sacred relationship. It’s a commitment between two individuals to nurture and care for each other. These two individuals come from different backgrounds. They have different upbringings, diverse opinions, and tastes. Whether it’s a love or arranged marriage, these differences are ... Views: 530
Many of us think it’s wonderful if we can lose weight without exercising. All those diet plans which promise weight loss without exercise are popular and have a huge fan following. Can weight loss really happen just by modifying our diet? Yes. It can. When people go on extreme diets, it is ... Views: 534
Sometimes, we will be very caught up in life with so many happenings and activities. New-born baby at home or an event which you need to plan and arrange or a hectic job or trying to find work-life balance – there could be many reasons why we run short of time and cannot find time for exercise. ... Views: 497
Student phase is one of the important phases of life. This is the stage where one learns new subjects and starts learning about the vastness of life. A student studies hard and tries to score good marks and grades in exams. There is a lot of pressure and stress that happens while preparing and ... Views: 496
At the workplace, we will have many activities to do – Emails to check and respond, tasks to complete, meetings, tight deadlines, etc. An important factor that helps us achieve our goals in the workplace is our productivity. The more productive we are, the more we can accomplish, and less ... Views: 478
“Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.” – Winston Churchill
Sometimes, we put a lot of passion into something – a book or a movie or a product etc. and work hard for ... Views: 506
Communication is an integral part of our life and plays an important role in daily living. We communicate with our family members, colleagues, friends, strangers, etc. to get things done, to express our love, to ask for something, to understand others, to get new ideas, to appreciate, to learn ... Views: 657
Skin is the largest organ of our body. We all desire a healthy, soft, fresh and glowing skin. Most of us associate skin with beauty. Beauty is only a small aspect of our skin. Skin’s role in our body is more than making us look beautiful. It plays an important role in various vital functions of ... Views: 515
Mistakes happen in life. There is no person on this Earth who never made any mistake in their entire life. So, mistakes are common. Some are silly mistakes, and some are serious. Our mistakes in life teach us lessons and help us grow. However, we don’t need to keep on making mistakes to learn ... Views: 485