Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a form of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE). Deep vein thrombosis is the name for blood clots that develop in larger veins such as in the legs. In DVT specifically, blood clots (thrombosis) occur in the deep veins (not visible through the skin) of the body, most commonly ... Views: 495
One of the common problems faced by diabetic patients in today’s modern age is denial. Many people are simply not ready to deal with the symptoms of diabetes, while others don’t take the disease seriously. Denial is often a way for people to cope with the stress that occurs due to a chronic ... Views: 1045
The diabetic patient knows the effects of good and bad carbs on their glucose levels. Each carb has a different impact on your blood glucose, which is why the Glycemic index is used to figure out the effect of certain foods (containing carbohydrates) on your blood sugar level. These foods are ... Views: 1015
The common causes of obesity are lack of a proper dietary plan, genes, a family history of obesity, a poor lifestyle, and other medical conditions. People with a Body Mass Index of 23+ are considered overweight and 30+ are considered obese.
Obesity does not only lower your self-esteem but is ... Views: 1033
Approx 84 million Americans suffer from prediabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The blood sugar levels in patients suffering from prediabetes are quite higher than normal, but they go unnoticed in the blood tests. Diabetes doesn’t only affect your insulin ... Views: 1086