Living in the “Now” is more than just a new-age voodoo ritual or something a guy named Buddha dreamed up 2,500 years ago; it is a fantastic way to live. Being out of the moment is when your mind is somewhere your body is not.
Let’s start with the past. The past has passed-it’s done, finito, ... Views: 2437
Sadness is the body’s way of telling you how much it misses being happy. Relationships end, jobs are lost, people die, welcome to the game of life. Sadness is a natural reaction to a loss of some kind. Every person on the planet has situations that can bring on sadness. It can be loneliness, ... Views: 4038
Have you ever been out in the world and some person or event sends you into a flying hag bag of negative emotions? Or you feel overwhelmed with downbeat thoughts like anger, fear, sadness and all of their cousins, namely guilt, jealousy, revenge and manipulation? This is what my Gramma Schredd ... Views: 1992
Excuses stop you from having more fun, more love and more good times in your life. That’s the only thing they do. We’re presented with unlimited opportunities to do, see and experience life. Go here, go there, go everywhere. The problem is we just can’t do everything so we say no to plenty of ... Views: 1670
All kinds of research has been done to see if certain kinds of people have more fun than others. The results? No particular kind of person is prone to more fun. There are lots of happy poor people and plenty of dissatisfied rich people. Race, political or religious beliefs, boy or girl, it just ... Views: 1733
Fear scares people. That’s what it’s supposed to do; it’s just a matter of how much and how often do we really need to be scared? Basically, there are two kinds of fear. Real fear allows you to save your butt in challenging situations (like being chased by a predator or facing imminent danger). ... Views: 9307