Entertainer - humorist Will Rogers once said “Even if you’re on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there”. The statement seems apropos when the question arises - Should you be job searching in these uncertain times or hunkering down and sitting it out, waiting for better times? ... Views: 805
Dr. Amy Cuddy social psychologist and Harvard professor specializing in training yourself to present powerful body language - speaks about what’s called ‘presence’ in her recent audio book.
"Presence stems from believing in and trusting yourself - your real, honest feelings, values, and ... Views: 745
You may be wondering why interviewers ask certain questions of you. For example – those regarding strengths.
The question is - if you have the skills - which you made clear in your LinkedIn Profile and Resume - why is it important for an interviewer to question you about your strengths? ... Views: 974