I’ve struggled with meditation most of my life. Over a span of 15 years, I purchased meditation CD’s, attended meditation classes and read books on meditation, yet was still unable to incorporate it into my daily life. The meditation CD’s usually put me to sleep and the classes and books made ... Views: 6844
Most people are aware of the benefits of meditation, yet MOST people DO NOT have a regular meditation practice.
The biggest obstacle to developing a regular meditation practice is TIME. People say they don't have enough time to meditate.
Yet did you know the average American waits 42-60 ... Views: 1692
Take the Meditation Challenge: How to Develop the "Habit" of Meditation and Live from the Inside Out.
Gandhi said, “Peace, to be real, must be unaffected by outer circumstances.” What if you could truly experience inner peace regardless of what’s going on externally? How would it FEEL ... Views: 1220
Here it is, it’s very simple...The most important thing YOU can do to manifest World Peace is… BELIEVE PEACE.
What? What does that mean, BELIEVE PEACE? “You mean to tell me that all I have to do is Believe Peace and Peace will be my reality? You mean I don’t have to do anything like write my ... Views: 4096
I was at the public Library the other day to look up some media contacts for a publicity campaign and also to check out a biography of Woodrow Wilson.
When I left the library, I found myself walking directly behind a man who had a dark complexion and was wearing a turban. Two young kids on ... Views: 1940
It’s a new year; traditionally, a time for reflecting on the past and preparing and planning for the upcoming year. Although, I have learned from reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, that nothing is more important than the present moment.
Tolle says that “True salvation is fulfillment, ... Views: 1759