There are two terms used almost universally today as synonyms though they’re anything but, with profound consequences for people’s lives: trade-off and sacrifice.
Trade-off is the more general of the two. It means giving up one or more values for other values, regardless of how great each ... Views: 818
A few years ago, when he decided not to run for president, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee said “my head said run, while my heart said no.” What did he mean by this? Did he mean that he really should run for president but was arbitrarily letting his feelings stop him from doing it? Or did ... Views: 1030
THINKING. We’ve all heard the word, particularly when we did stupid things as kids and our parents told us to “think!”. Yet we never really stopped to think about what it actually is, leading us to sort of know, sort of not know what it means.
Thinking is a mental process whereby you turn your ... Views: 1131
It’s no news to anyone people hurt each other. They lie, cheat, steal, manipulate, deceive and even commit more serious offenses like crimes. Yet as common as injustices are, how to deal with them isn’t evident. Of course, if someone commits a serious crime there are fines and prison sentences. ... Views: 920