Letting go of the cheese
I am asked, “Can companies keep the annual review while they move to a coaching process and culture?” For those of you who have read “Who Moved my Cheese?” you can’t get your new cheese until you let go of your old cheese, so that answer is – no. This is true for ... Views: 1478
The annual performance review has become a dinosaur because it has failed to change and evolve much in the last 50 years, while everything around it in business has.
50 years ago we had secretarial pools, carbon paper and mimeograph machines for making copies. Everything was sent “snail ... Views: 1771
Bottom line … It can be lonely at the top ! Executive coaching gives you the opportunity to examine your choices as a leader in a confidential and candid setting. Imagine having an objective and committed partner to work through the issues that you are facing. The coaching process is not only ... Views: 1220