It's 10:01 pm, and I'm rewriting the newsletter. Why? Today was a day of profound experiences, and I want to share them with you. I'm sharing my experiences with you because I truly wished someone would have shared their experiences with me. I would have walked the same road, but at least I ... Views: 982
Why are we so afraid to be in the stillness? Why are we so afraid just to pause and stop doing? What lies are we believing about the stillness? What are we afraid to hear? Part of it, I believe, is that we are afraid to allow the Divine more into our hearts. Our minds are afraid of what that ... Views: 1018
What do you really want out of your life? List out all of those things that you want to be different. What do those things all have in common? Here are a couple of common themes: not enough, trust issues, fear of failure, and judgment.
Instead of focusing all your time on getting new ... Views: 1036
Every time I turn on the radio, Pink comes out loud and clear. Now, I know a sign from the Divine when I hear one. Music has always been a way I hear the Divine. I believe this woman writes and sings from her Soul. She has this ability to put into words my fears, my hopes and dreams. She’s also ... Views: 948
What's your great challenge in life? What is that theme that has run through most of your life? Some great challenges are: not enough, fear of failure, trust issues and speaking your truth.
Just because we are experiencing a challenge doesn't mean:
• that you are "doing" something ... Views: 1199
What do you really desire and why? What prevents us from receiving it? And, why are we always trying to fix ourselves? What if you just let yourself be more open to being connected, lead and loved? How would that change how you feel each day? And, how would that change your life? I don't know ... Views: 955
We are very complex creatures. If you have ever seen the Matrix (and if you haven't, please watch it, big metaphysical movie), there is a scene where Morpheus offers Neo the choice of two different pills: blue, you go back to the Matrix and forget about your new awareness, and red, you become ... Views: 966
Have you ever purchased a new car? So many decisions to make: type, color, size, etc. Most of the time we don't place any attachment to those types of decisions. We can look at it from the point of view of what supports us and our community. (In the case of the car, your family.)
The exact ... Views: 1011
Every moment of everyday you are creating something. Often we weigh ourselves down in what we aren't: not good enough, unclear, not loved, etc.
What if you viewed the world (just a little more) as if you are an artist and you're painting your way through your day and your life? Would it ... Views: 984
The new year, just like a clear white piece of paper, holds so much promise. What I have done in the past is try and "do" more in the New Year - I figure that will give me peace, make me happy, and allow me to feel fulfilled -- WRONG! It's the being that allows you to experience the Divinity of ... Views: 950
May I suggest
This time is blessed for you
This time is blessed and shining almost blinding bright
Just turn your head
And you'll begin to see
The thousand reasons that were just beyond your sight
The reasons why
Why I suggest to you
Why I suggest this is the best part of your life
... Views: 969
Why are you striving these days
Why are you trying to earn grace
Why are you crying
Let me lift up your face
Just don't turn away
By Your Side - Tenth Avenue North
Humans tend to be attached to a lot of "things." We tend to utilize these things, people and situations to ground us to the ... Views: 1095
I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out, it's bringing me down
I know I've got to let it go and just enjoy the show
The Show, Lenka
Feelings of unworthiness are often accompanied with feelings of shame. Often, we know the truth ... Views: 1200
Afraid they'll see that she's lost her direction
She never stays the same for long
Assuming that she'll get it wrong
Beautiful Disaster -- John Mclaughlin
So you made a decision to take a step, followed the Divine and YOU FEEL like it was a mistake, failure or you simply lost your way. ... Views: 1122
Sitting here in limbo
I still got a little time to search my Soul
Meanwhile they're putting up resistance
But I know my faith will lead me on
Sitting Here in Limbo, The Neville Brothers
It's all about outsmarting the fear. Not judging it, not beating it and not ignoring it. The simple ... Views: 1370
This is all about you making a choice to be one with the Divine and to experience your Divinity more in each experience of your life. So, let's start with a couple of questions:
Create a conscious connection with your Soul via your Soul Language team.
"What is your greatest ... Views: 1364
The Divine shows up in my life in ways that are in my face and some sneaky ways. I keep seeing messages, images and signs from the Divine that I AM LOVED. This photo on the curb outside the local Starbucks was the latest. Not the obvious place to "find" love.
What if you approached each ... Views: 1374
How can you build trust in yourself and the Divine? I think it all goes back to the moment you feel that you "blew" your own trust. The moment that you made a free-will choice that crossed a Soul value for yourself.
And I'm going to call that moment the "Moment of Non-Forgiveness." ... Views: 1280
One time when I was in corporate America, my friend and partner in crime, Ken Hopper, wrote an entire memo in buzz words. It was the funniest thing. The memo said all the right things but "at the end of the day" was hollow of meaning.
Lately, I have been receiving a bunch of emails with ... Views: 2947
Why are you giving? Truly ask yourself this question. Are you giving to get? Are you giving to make yourself "feel better?" Are you giving because it is your Divine nature? There isn't a right or wrong answer here. There is an answer that will create a more conscious, sustainable and powerful ... Views: 1254
I often want my life to play out like a holiday musical, where people just stop and suddenly burst into song. What I realized is that it can be like a holiday musical -- inside. When I'm in a bad, I can really create a lot of drama, confusion and misery (for myself). When I'm of ... Views: 1096
I have been noticing several situations from the community. These are topics that several of you have asked me over the last couple of weeks. When these situations happen, I feel that there is something in the "community" consciousness that is ready to be healed.
1. I just want to get ... Views: 1209
Are you a Master of Service? Do you feel a deep knowing you have a gift to offer the world that is needed? How do you give generously without attachment and give so everyone is served (including yourself)? That's the dance. It feels joyful!
1. Does It Feel Good For Me?
I know it is ... Views: 1078
Are you ready to really understand something big? Ready -- everything in our world is a reflection of a part of us. This is why I take resistance so personally. What I mean by personally is I'm talking about in regard to me not directed or intended towards me. As a Teacher of Integrity (Soul ... Views: 1130
Our internal relationship is the material that we use to create our reality. If you are experiencing "commitment issues" in your outer world, the place to look to transform that is in your inner world.
1. Make the Choice
Sometimes we are afraid to make a choice so we sit on the ... Views: 1170
On Sunday morning, with a deck full of leaves and no power, I sat to listen to the Divine and have myself a little conversation. I looked up to see this amazing creator (see grasshopper picture on the left). I've been seeing a lot of grasshoppers lately. On my car, on my deck, hopping out in ... Views: 4049
As you know, I’m a Teacher of Integrity (Axiom of Translation). I speak with a lot of leaders and healers. One of the statements that really frustrates this part of my Soul is the belief that because someone is in the spiritual field there is no need for new awarenesses.
I have a coach and I ... Views: 1461
Definition: Grace-- favor or good will
1. Saying Grace
How frequently to you offer yourself good will? Today, just be aware of how often you are choosing something else over love, compassion, joy, good will, and grace. When you notice that you are not, just pause and simply say, "I ... Views: 1315
How were you taught to create? Do you believe that you are the master creator of your own life? In The Four Agreements, Ruiz talks about dreaming with awareness. I call this creating with focus. What this means is using the foundational belief that you are creating your own life to create ... Views: 1132
We often play hide and go seek with our lives: hiding from what we desire, hiding from our life purpose, and/or hiding from ourselves. This tip is to help you stop hiding and move out in front.
1. Acceptance
This week, I was speaking with a client who said, “I want to be out in the ... Views: 1099
I define true service as sharing your gifts and talents with the intention to be of service to all involved (that means me). I find the key to be of true service in my business is the belief that “I’m being loved, supported and provided for by the Universe.” Also, to be of true service, I had ... Views: 1195
I was in the bank and overheard someone talking about the hot and steamy weather we were experiencing in NJ. I had this thought: In winter I was saying it was too cold and complaining about the snow. Here it is getting to be summer and I’m feeling it is way too hot. When will I feel like the ... Views: 1236
Tools only work if you feel a personal connection to using that resource. It is easy to be balanced and unconditional when your life is amazing. It is when we are experiencing a challenge or even just living our everyday lives that we can get caught up in old programming and fall into the ... Views: 986
Tools only work if you feel a personal connection to using that resource. It is easy to be balanced and unconditional when your life is amazing. It is when we are experiencing a challenge or even just living our everyday lives that we can get caught up in old programming and fall into the ... Views: 1023
If you wish to receive more community, then you get to shed light on where you are not allowing that to happen for yourself. The following suggestions about where they noticed where they could open up more to receive more of their community came from some of the Business of Soul peeps.
1. ... Views: 1268
1. What Can You Offer?
We all have our own pain and challenges. This sometimes places us in a position where we feel like we have nothing left to give…Connect to your Soul Language Team (if you don’t know your Soul Languages yet, ask Divine Intelligence to make that connection for you at ... Views: 1134
1. Remove the Blame
If you are living in blame, guess what? You are living way below your happiness level. How do you shift the blame?
Take responsibility for your participation in your life, forgive yourself, and be open to feeling the joy.
2. Enjoy Every Moment
Mad, the cat, never ... Views: 1100
Before you read this week’s tip, pick a place in your life that you want transformation and read the tip with that intention in mind.
1. Stop Blaming
Do you always need a villain? Having warrior energy, I use to feel like I needed to be at war with someone or something. Then it hit me ... Views: 1284
1. Stop Pushing Yourself
I realized this week how hard I push myself. Packing boxes for my move when I have a fever, not a good idea and not very loving for myself. How hard are you pushing yourself? Are you the type that has to send one last email before lunch or is working at 10 pm at ... Views: 1147
I see every day that people are increasingly aware of what it means to be more Soulful, to live more in Spirit and to be more heart centered, and yet I have also noticed that people often approach these concepts with their minds instead of their hearts.
There is no formula for transformation. ... Views: 838
Healing your self-esteem and accepting your value in the world WILL transform your life. About 85% of the people on this planet suffer from some kind of low self esteem problem and because of those issues are struggling to achieve their desires. What you say is a reflection of how you “feel” ... Views: 1200
Healing your self-esteem and accepting your value in the world WILL transform your life. About 85% of the people on this planet suffer from some kind of low self esteem problem and because of those issues are struggling to achieve their desires. What you say is a reflection of how you ... Views: 958
A couple of months ago I came across the word Pneuma. It is the Greek word for Spirit. When I first heard the word it was like seeing an old friend again. What does it mean to "Unlock Your Spirit Within?"
In simplest terms it is about allowing your higher self/soul/spirit to be the captain of ... Views: 1116
The art of aromatherapy has been around for thousands of years. As products continue to blossom on retail shelves, you may have become familiar with the aromatherapy properties of popular essential oils such as lavender, tea tree oil, and chamomile. Another intriguing component to add to your ... Views: 1040