Put one hand on your tummy and one hand on your chest. Take a deep breath. Which one raises first, your tummy or chest? If it’s your tummy was first then yay! You pass the test. If it’s your chest then, maybe we need to work on that a little bit.
Most babies from the moment they are born, ... Views: 509
This blog is not intended to cause fear, I just made the title a little grabbing so you take a few minutes to read it! A bit sneaky, but it’s for all of our own good :)
I have noticed a big increase in neck and back pain patients over the last year. Most of the people are office ... Views: 414
If you ask any professional in the therapy world what their biggest pet peeve is, nine times out of ten it is that their patient or client hasn't done their home care. It might not sound like a big deal, many GP patients don’t take the medication that they were prescribed either. As we go ... Views: 567
How To Avoid Headaches And Neck Pain When Working From Home.
It’s not been an easy time for the world. As many unfortunately seek new jobs, others have moved their offices to their homes. There are some benefits to having a home office, more time with the kids (Yay! Or some say ney!), ... Views: 424
As a fellow sufferer of hay fever here in Cardiff, I can contest on how debilitating allergies can be. Eyes so itchy you want to scratch them with a fork. That horrible extra itch at the back of your throat that can drive you crazy or the constant sneezing that is enough to give you a six-pack ... Views: 678
Winter can be a drag, lack of sunlight, cold, wet, snow, colds and flu, it can really pull us down. I often have patients coming to me here in Cardiff this time of year because they are having a flare-up due to the winter weather. Many people complain of knee, back and hip pain predominantly in ... Views: 639
It is widely believed that as we age we should expect more aches and pains. The latest research shows this not to actually be true. But changing these beliefs can be harder than getting rid of back pain itself. The problem in many cases is that when the pain starts in the older generation they ... Views: 642
Personally, I have one of those little electric scooters, I live close to work and it is ideal for zipping around to the gym, shopping, meeting people, etc. I don’t drive but I see a lot of patients who spend many hours behind the wheel here in Cardiff. If you drive for a living then there is a ... Views: 662
“According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.”
That is a lot of water encompassing every part of ... Views: 656