I loved being a girl and adore being a woman. I was daddy’s little fiery daughter, but life for me changed when I grew into my sexuality and I started to date. I’ll never forget how dad looked at me while I introduced a new boyfriend. It was as if I had dirt on my clothes, and I knew then that ... Views: 790
There is an epidemic of adult-onset doldrums. Psychologist Margaret McFarland (who served as inspiration for Fred Rogers) reported that attitudes aren’t taught, they are caught, and we are in a current trend of chronic stress, pressure, and worry. Just as Dr. McFarland warned, I caught a bad ... Views: 888
I think I can safely say that most people struggle to maintain happiness. We get pushed and pulled by expectations and circumstances that move us away from our Happy Place. I refer to the condition this process causes as adult-onset doldrums.
Everyone, regardless of circumstances, has had a ... Views: 704
Look at anything long enough, and you will see the magic that’s in it — in everything, really! Discovery will increase your enthusiasm for life. Observation will give you innovative ideas. Awareness will give perspective on your daily issues and fill your life with wonder.
Take a moment, ... Views: 770